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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Ok, I'm back. Merely an FYI - I had dinner with growalot on Saturday night at Peter Luger's and she said she never PM'd Steve. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Did a quick search. Found 1 article from 2011 (Syracuse). Syracuse, N.Y. -- In the marriage of Upstate and Downstate, Upstate is the taker. Downstate the giver. A new report by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government found that Downstate gives more to the state in taxes and other revenues than it receives. And Upstate takes more than it gives. The study looked only at state funds and didn’t take into account federal money. New York City contributed more than 45 percent of the state’s taxes and other revenues: $32.8 billion in 2010. But it only received 40 percent of the money the state passed out. Upstate counties (not including the Capital Region) contributed 24 percent of the state’s taxes and revenues but received 35 percent of the state money that was doled out in 2010, according to the study. The study points out that state government can equalize wealth in a way that local governments can’t. “The gains for Upstate in this balance of payments are strikingly big,” said Bob Ward, one of the researchers and the deputy director of the Rockefeller Institute. If Upstate took in as much as it paid out, it could lose as much as much as $9 billion. Ward said the state budget is intended to redistribute wealth from rich communities to poorer ones, and that voters have supported this approach, in general. But the research he and the others did will allow policy makers to examine that structure more closely. Ward said he hoped the data crunched in the report will help inform state budget discussions in the future. In addition to data about how much is given and received by each region, the report also has information about the demographics of each region. And it looks at regional payments by the type of tax: income, sales and corporate. It examines how much each region spends in several categories including local assistance, state agency operations and capital expenses. The report was commissioned by the Citizens Budget Commission, a nonprofit civic group based in New York City that works for budget reform. Ward said the study didn’t reach any conclusions about whether the way the state redistributes its wealth is right or wrong. That, he said, is up to the policy makers. And what they decide is anyone’s guess. “I make no predictions about how this might influence policy,” Ward said. “We hope it will improve the debate.” Contact Marnie Eisenstadt at [email protected] or 470-2246.
  3. I'll give you $100 if you get drawn! lol.
  4. Correct. Mt lions bury their kills. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Kind of deer? Both whitetails. sex of deer? Top is a doe. Bottom is a buck. Given the height of the cam, nothing else stands that high. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Is there a chance for xbow use in late ML/Bow season again? Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Yup, sucks. I'll be buying my archery tags in ct and pa, where I can hunt with xbow. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  8. I think it still happens in 2013 Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Dear Hicks, City Slickers, Inbreds, Downstaters, Toothless Bandits, White Trash, Thugs, Gangsters, Wannabe Gangsters, Old Farts, Wads (whatever that means), Farmer's, Father of the year award winners, Sloot Slammers, Underprivileged, and WIC check recipients, We will reconvene this debate on Monday. Sunday night, if your lucky.
  10. Virgil - What about the controversial hole at Elm Tree? It's like a 240-250 yard par 4, straight away, up and down a steep hill. What are your thoughts?
  11. I guess your fiance wasn't out those nights. I'm sure she's gorgeous. You guys did your bashing, now its my turn. I'll be done soon, then we can continue Monday.
  12. No problem! I haven't been up there since like 2006, but when I was the fishing on Ballston Lake was pretty good. Partied many a nights in Saratoga. The local girls up there are nothing to look at, but always eager to please the city boys. Maybe they were hoping for a way out? When DMB plays up there, there's usually a lot more better looking girls in the area.
  13. Surviving and Thriving are 2 different worlds my friend. You survive thanks to tourism in the summer, the saratoga race track, and that nice little outdoor concert venue (SPAC).
  14. I am trying to be considerate. Tractors are not allowed on major highways, therefore you have no feasible way of getting "downstate". I am willing to travel up to your area to say "assinine comments" to your face! Funny how much you bash "downstate" and "city". Assuming you have kids, you will want them to go to college if they are not into a trade of some sort. After college, you will want them to get the best job they can in their field. There is a very strong chance that your kids will need "downstate" to provide them with this opportunity!
  15. Hey Virgil - I played Elm Tree Golf Course a few times!
  16. Ok, the details are set. After a lot of negotiation, Doewhacker and I will be fighting each other in the parking lot of Good Times Restaurant on the shores of Ballston Lake. The fight will be Labor Day Weekend, best of 3 format. We will fight Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (if necessary). If Doewhacker wins, I will promise not to "breed". If I win, I get his only source of transportation (pic attached). Good Luck training DW, try ensure.
  17. I'm not even from NYC. I grew up my whole life in Putnam County, lived in NYC for a few years in my early 20's, now live in Westchester. I left NYC to be closer to the things I love (Baseball, Golf, Fishing, Hunting, etc.)
  18. Whatever makes you feel better. I'm actually a very nice guy. Those from this site who have met me can vouch for that. I've been on many hunting trips with people from all walks of life and have always gotten along with everyone.
  19. Once again, I said they girls go through "a phase". The word "sloot" is open for interpretation. Some people consider any girl who does anything sexual before marriage as a sloot. Some people only consider girls whose "number" is higher than her age to be a sloot. To each their own. I'm going to be 100% honest here with this statement, of the thousands of girls I have met over the years, the biggest sloots I've come across all came from rural areas (upstate NY, Ohio, Vermont, PA, etc.) and not city areas. I would bet that the % of teen Moms in "upstate" NYis similiar if not higher than the towns in "downstate".
  20. Oh ok, because I live near NYC you don't want to hear it from me? Belo is from 8F and 7J and he agrees, as do many other people not from "the city".
  21. I said a phase and why would I call some guys daughters a slut? That's his problem, not mine. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  22. I don't know anybody's daughter from this site. My statement was based on my observations and many people agree. Disagree all you want, that's your choice. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Agreed to Belo. I have met wild girls from all over the state. They crazy in NYC, Syracuse, Albany, etc . Ants - sorry if I offended you, but it wasn't a statement I made to anyone personally. Like I said many times, I should have used the word majority instead of all. This thread should have died many pages ago. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  24. You can't be serious. How old are you? You want me to drive upstate to fight people over a thread on a hunting forum? LOL Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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