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Just Lucky

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Everything posted by Just Lucky

  1. So we agree, history can be remembered without statues. Statues are symbolic, not tools for remembering history. Statues should be more representative of value, such as Miss. Liberty.
  2. I don't agree with that either. Not a very honorable person. But he has now become part of American history, so it should make sense.
  3. I have never seen the statue and still know who Teddy is. Tax payers pay for maintance of the statues regardless of where it is. Maybe you could start a fund raiser in your community to erect a statue in the center of town tou live in to honor him.
  4. It was moved where it will be appreciated, not destroyed.
  5. Thank you. And my participation with the conversations today was simply to say life is pretty darn good in America.
  6. The inconsistency of both parties creates enemies around the world. As long as the US has interest around the world, Americans will have enemies which will create safety issues. There are some Americans who felt less safe when Trump was in office, and some who feel more safe now. Not everyone has the same view of safer or better. You may disagree with them but your opinion isn't fact. Safer and better are feelings and we all differ.
  7. I am not anti trump, nor Democrat, lol. I won't hang my American flag out front under this administration, that is my protest to a stolen election and a pedophile in office. Appeal courts have no interest in hearing about fraud because there is nothing to be done. If you believe the riots were bad after Trump was elected in 2016, or 2020, imagine what would happen if an attempt was made to put the elected president in office. The media controls peoples perceived reality, and they are not fans of Trump. Total caius. Government mandates are wrong, but business should be able to hire and serve who they want at the business decision. Just as I, as a consumer can decide where to do business. If a mask, or vaccine is required I will do business elsewhere or go without. Taxation in this country is out of control. If you break a law, consequences are necessary. Police should be more than just reporters of crime, and traffic ticket writers. Legalization of marijuana in this state creates a dumbed down society. The green new deal is not feasible at this time, but somehow people will make it work. Fossil fuels are fiscally more responsible. And there are alot more controversial issues we may or may not agree on. That is what my perspective is. But I also realize I maybe completely wrong, and political arguments will continue because that is what is best for politicians. More funding, and pork spending to stop the evil coming from the otherside. Neither the current nor previous administration care what I think or say, so that is why I do not get emotionally involved with big politics, and keep my participation at more of a local level.
  8. You asked me if Trump was so bad. I answered that. I, as an American do not think my life was better, or worse under Trump. I feel quite safe also. I think Americans image around the world has been hurt by both parties because of political inconsistencies. I have learned over the last 2 years to be better prepared. But that is as much to do with country living as anything.
  9. I never said Trump was bad. I voted for him twice. I just do not think he is my savior. Everything he did was not good, and everything was not bad, he is just a man. Bigger results occur when my efforts are focused on local politics. Being involved locally can actually make a difference. That is where issues can be resolved and compromise on.
  10. Good things are perspective. What some think are good, others will disagree. That is why presidents use executive orders. Then the next guy gets in and signs different executive orders, cancelling the others. Back and forth. Good politics, but bad for the country and our allies. Betterment of society comes at the expense of someone and something. So yes I would say very little changes with decisions made by a president. The next one will sign an executive order and change the previous ones direction.
  11. He gained a legacy. He will be read about in history books a hundred years from now. When he passes he lives on, so to speak. Not all presidents are talked about, but I believe he will be. Nobody would have talked about Donald Trump, the host of the apprentice.
  12. Seems tax dollars could be used more productive
  13. He is a hell of a salesman too. You are as blind with lust for trump, as a lefty is with hatred for the man, really sad. As far as money, wealth is more than dollars.
  14. Incompetent, poor leadership has been occurring for decades. The economy has been a disaster for decades. The middle class has been used as pawns way before my lifetime by both parties. Ending the "cold war" did not change relationships with Russia. The US has been in conflict with the middle east since oil was found. China has been an enemy of the US for decades. None of that changed with Trump, or Biden. These perceptions have been taught to us from a young age. If you take out emotions and look, the concerns are the same now as they were 50 years ago. Thankfully all the experts that have been predicting the end of the world are wrong.
  15. I grew up in the country, and moved to a small city for 10 years, and really got caught up in the rat race. I moved back to the country a little over 2 years ago. Moving back in the country, being more self sufficient, helping neighbors, bartering services, and slowing down life has been very satisfying. Being a little fish has huge advantages.
  16. I am no worse off now then I was under Trump. My bank account is the same, food supply is good, family is well, and still have things I want, not only need. As far as the country as a whole, perceptions vary.
  17. So you believe every president of the US is remembered equally?
  18. I think trump did what he felt would build a bigger legacy of his name. No one lives forever, and he wants to be remembered. He got what he was after. Some believe he was great, and some believe he was aweful, but remembered the same.
  19. We don't KNOW that. Trump caved to alot of Democrats demands
  20. You realize the shutdowns, and mandatory layoffs happened while trump was president? My Employer was forced to 25 percent when covid hit. Instead of unemployment, I went to work at tractor supply for 2 months, kept my own business running and made it through. It was not the choice some would have made, but I felt like I kept my pride. Border crisis is another pandemic used by both parties to create emotions. Illegal immigration has been occurring in this country before either of us was born, and a damn 15 ft wall would not prevent it. We all know home depot sells 32 ft ladders, lol.
  21. My life is good because of my actions based on opportunities presented for me. I will take credit for my life, both good and bad. I think America was better off with Trump, then with Biden, but my daily life is the same. Blaming others is an excuse for failure. Too much worrying about others is unhealthy.
  22. No, reality I did make more. Now the value of the dollar is less, but 2 is more than 1 so? You wanted to know positives, and I gave you some. I believe perceptions changed with presidents, but life is pretty much the same. Covid started with trump, shutdowns occurred, overspending, free money, masks, mandates, riots,power grabs ect. Biden continues to do the same. Only change is how it is perceived. My perception is the only thing I can control, not any of their actions. Why allow things beyond your control worry you? Enjoy life, it's short.
  23. It has been doom and gloom for my entire adult life, since Clinton. But here we are, still doing fine, house,a few acres, 2 cars in driveway, heat, electric, running water, cupboards full, multiple tvs, ect. And toilet paper. The other day All in the family was on. It made me chuckle to hear the political arguments between Archie, and Meathead. Literally the same as today, 40 years later. But somehow things work out, and the world goes on.
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