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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 10 minutes ago, Nomad said:

    So this is skull rock , a rock in the corner of my backyard that I put deadheads that I find on . The squirrels eat the antlers and knock the skulls off the rock from time to time the other day I was placing them back on the rock  .  Yet there sits a fresh antler , not a cast one either as you can see a piece of broken skull attached to it . Neither of my two neighbors hunt , idk perhaps a passing Indian tribe placed it there out of respect ? 


    That is just weird ! 


    • Like 1
  2. Grouse,  I have to say..

    I am pleased and thankfully for the job you have done and do!

    Let's me view you a little differently . For the most part you have all always rubbed me the wrong way with, all your over the top posts .

    I honestly pictured you as  the odd right wing professor type.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Nice! Those blocks are heavy. Must be over 100#s. 25 years or so ago I would help a local guy out on and off. He would tear down silos and rebuild them all over the northeast. I was a pretty tough 220# young man cutting firewood for living.. Not near as tough as him though.

    He would carry a block in each hand all day long and swing them up onto the trailer bed. I could keep up for 3-4 hrs , then I was 2 handing them ..lol.. he had shoulders and forearms like a gorrilla. One of the few times I had to admit someone was tougher than me...ha.ha.

    I watched him take quite a few down the same way you did , with a sledgehammer.


  4. That's a big old red oak. Roughly 25 years ago I cut down a monster white oak. After taking a 10' log from the base, I ended up with 35 face cord(close to 12 full cord) of firewood. 


    • Like 3
  5. I'm of the opinion that most people who advocate against the 243 do not have much experience with one, or are solidly on the "heavier bullet is better " mindset .

    About the only real disadvantage ,I think, for a beginner with a 243 is the lack of a good blood trail. Often it's skimpy at best. Other than that if you hit them in the body from the front legs to the back legs, they are dead. (Finding them on a poor shot could be difficult).

    Limit them to 150 yds or less. Stress the fact that you must know exactly where the deer was standing and where it ran too and all should be good.

    I don’t think enough can be said about not overgunning a beginner and making it fun to shoot.

    • Like 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, SportsmanNH said:

    My wife and I got our second Moderna shots yesterday on Friday. After the 1st shot on April 4th we both  had a slight headache and tired spells off and on for a few days . No big deal . Today I feel fine . My wife had a slight fever and with muscle aches last nite but gone this morning . So she went to a Zumba class this morning and came back exhausted with aches and pains. Definitely the shot that did it because she is in great shape and a certified Yoga and Zumba instructor herself.

     Appointment was for 11:45 . The appointments times are worthless around here. This is what the line looked like at 11:45 yesterday. The 1st pic is behind me . The second pic is in front of me to the corner of the building. The 3rd pic is from the corner of the building to the entrance. The last pic is what it looked like once we got inside the door. 10 rows of about 40 people per row before you got to the needle table. On the 1st shot the line was at the entrance door when I got there. Not around the building . The difference was this time they had 25 people administering the vaccine instead of 12-15 on the 1st shot. The 1st shot on April 4th took us a little over 3 hours .Yesterday for the 2nd shot took 2:45 min. The line was way longer this time but it went faster.



    Line Back.JPG


    Line Front.JPG

    Line Door.JPG

    Line Inside.JPG

    Wow, quite a difference. I think I was in the building 20, maybe 25 minutes max including the 15 minute observation time.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rack Attack said:

    Those old photos were from the good old days when the Daks actually got logged and had a healthy forest so animals had food and cover.  Now much of it is baron land with mature woods and no feed.  It really needs a good logging program or a good old fashioned forest fire.

    That may be true for much of the ADKs . The far northern parts have many more clearcuts, and selectively logged woods than  mature barren woods.

    I wish the state would implement a better forest management plan for our fully owned(not easement) lands to better support deer and small game . Mature forests are pretty, but useless.lol 




  8. 11 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:


    Jeff with the catfish but he refused to touch it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Great pics. Likes like you guys are having fun. Ha.ha.ha.

    Jeff doesn't look cute enough for you guys to be taking care of his fish..;).

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Four Seasons said:

    I’m sure that’s just how things looked back in the good old days. We had our camp up in South Colton area way back when and bucks like that were taken every year.     Kinda like the old time pics seem to have a big racked buck across the bumper most times. 

    What part of South Colton?  We hunted the heck out of the area from the end of the Morgan rd to the old Picketville rd. We havn't been down there much since we started hunting Letchworth regularly. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, grampy said:

    Just a reminder to all you younger bow hunters, you won't be young forever. And there will come a time for most of you, when drawing your bow will become difficult. But your drive to be out in the deer woods, will still be as strong as ever! That, is when you will want to hunt with a crossbow. Believe me. There is no reason why the law couldn't have been changed, to at least allow those 55 and older to hunt the entire bow season, with a crossbow. Most of us have hunted for decades with our bows, and still want to participate. Hunting with a crossbow, is far better than sitting at home, wishing you could be out there. I feel that those who totally oppose crossbows, have thrown out with the wash, the ones who helped to mentor you. Just sayin....... We're older yes, but we ain't dead! And nothing makes feel more alive, than being in the early season deer woods!

    Well said, I concur. 

    • Like 3
  11. Just now, crappyice said:

    Nice deer..however please do not buy your pizza where you buy your gas. That’s not pizza!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Right you are..lol.

    Especially when they gave us the 4 slices because they had been there a bit.

      I was hungry though and not very discerning. 

    • Like 4
  12. 2 minutes ago, Fletch said:

    My grandparents had a camp up in St. Regis for ages. We base camped outa there and hunted up Paul Smiths way for 20 years well 20 years ago lol. Never saw one buck alive near that size!! I did see some absolute bruisers taken over the years but if those are all from one hunter or family of hunters they know their shit lol! I have not been that way in 8 or so years and if that store was there I never was in it.

    I've hunted  a few pieces of state  land in the area over the years and I never happened across anything special either. I asked the girls behind the counter, but nobody knew anything about the deer.

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  13. Friend has some property on a seasonal road. I buried at least 50 (more than a single pickup load) coyotes 2 weekends ago that someone had dumped on his property.

    Strange, that they skinned a few but most were not. It was one time that I was thankfully that I do not have a sense of smell.

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