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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Thats a poem maybe you should look it up and learn something about history
  2. First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  3. Lamb with roasted potatoes and portobello mushrooms
  4. And the bad press i remember when aol was king and look what happened to them just give it time technology changes
  5. Lol there going to have fun explaining that to jones lawyers going to cost them millions notice Twitter did not ban jones
  6. Not really if i post a video on YouTube for example it belongs to me not YouTube same as if i post a picture on Facebook it still belongs to me. Jones does not work for those companies the business model those companies have relies on the public posting their private s*** on their server for free i you dont work for youtube just because i post a video on there , same as if you posted a comment on ny hunting forum . You can fire a an employee you can kick someone out of your restaurant if they dont buy something . But you cant kick someone off a website that business model is to let the public communicate with each other unless he threatens someone on there . You cant open a business say it is there for free for the public to communicate with each other then say well this guy is white and right winger and kick him off . Or black and muslim or kick him off Thats basically what they did to the guy .
  7. Exactly if you don't like it change the channel. Like i do when HBO puts on bill Maher . I dont need Facebook apple YouTube to babysit me . The arrogance of some of these people in power is unreal .
  8. If he is on there for a legitimate business reason i dont have a problem with that but i doubt it. . Let see him make his money doing it the alex jones way just by selling his own products on his website.
  9. Not because of bill Maher lol if you think that your nuts you could put jones or any one of the other right wingers on HBO and it would not make a difference in the money they make or probably add subscribers actually. The right wingers who do those type shows have more audience then someone like bill Maher actually . You think middle America gets HBO because they like to watch bill Maher talk about how great transgender bathrooms would be lol give me break .
  10. Lol who told you that bs lol cnn There are no adds on HBO and so they lose money with his show that is just the garbage the owners want to push on all of us just like they do with bunch of things . It was members of the left in Congress that told apple and Facebook and YouTube and the rest to take him down . You seem to not mind that , or really think it just happened just before a mid term election. Here is article on it of course the media spins it like these Democrats did something good . More fake news as usual . If they could get away with it you would only here there point of view and pretty soon we all would be having to use the same bathroom and be waiting on line for toilet paper to clean are **** and forced to ride a bicycle to work . Like in Venezuela https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/07/17/facebook-infowars-alex-jones-congress-726301
  11. I told you already why is bill Maher still on tv then? Only reason is because one is left and the other is right . They are not following the rules they made up equally is what i am telling you . Anyone can post on YouTub and apple except if it is something youtube or apple dont like . it should be up to the consumer not , YouTube or apple to decide unless he is threatening violence . Anyway it will backfire on these companies as consumers will start to go elsewhere to watch stuff they want to watch . They are just going to make him more popular. And when the guy is not talking about aliens and other bs on his show a lot of what he says makes sense to most people and that is what scares these big globalist companies. Like how apple and other media companies are in bed with the Chinese government . And that is why they go after trump so hard because he wants them to trade more fairly with us and they haven't been they've been cheating the system for years !! It kinda obvious.
  12. I will leave you this free speech rights are there to protect speech you dont agree with . Nobody forces you to listen to crazy alexis jones show do they ? And you can turn On cnn and here crazy conspiracy thoeys about trump and Russia on a daily basis . Now which one is really doing more damage to the country dividing us? The one that supposed to be serious news or the clown on YouTube talking about aliens in the government and Obama's wife being a man
  13. I just dont like companys like apple picking sides on which crazy nut job they find offensive for every alex jones there is a nut job leftie spreading lies as well. You going to be fare lets see apple and Facebook and other internet companies apply there rules equally . And stop cherry picking . Or basically you are proving in part what the guy has been saying all along .
  14. 1# They made money with his crazy channel that was not a business decision. It was a political one because lately he has been supporting trump . All the guy does is talk how you cant trust the government a valid point by the way, and about the globalist agenda and come up with some crazy thoerys , most is bs but still nothing illegal about it what he says on his channel dont like it dont watch . Ok fine so why is bill maher's show still on HBO facebook and YouTube he is another nut job . Only difference is one supports trump and one dont but guess who gets banned. And it dont matter if your right or left or like the guy or not (You should not want some giant multi national company )thats in bed with government and owned by god knows who deciding what people can and cant here on the internet or making it almost impossible to here it if they want to . Unless its something illegal nothing should be banned from those platform's. Facebook is not god and was not elected to tell people what they can hear as long as its legal . And saying you think globalist want to take over the world as jones does say is not illegal. May or maynot be true but not illegal. Its no different or worse then all the crazy crap bill maher has said about the right on his show .
  15. Been all over Europe north America Caribbean and Canada and they come here because they can make more money here and live in a bigger house its really that simple . And almost none will go back . So its laughable that we should make the same mistakes that made life in those countries harder then here .
  16. Why did you leave the wonderful socialist Utopia they have up there in Canada if its so great? see what i mean they all come here lol USA is a importer of people from all these wonderful socialist countries. And almost nobody leaves usa to go to those places except for a few multi millionaires that go there to retire in a villa behind a high wall or fence lol
  17. The thing that i find crazy is every country that has the system the extremists left wants is worse off then here . can they figure it out for them selfs even Canada exports 3 times more people to move to the usa then usa has people going to live in Canada even though there population is much less then ours . Its the same with all these so called socialist Paradises they're all coming here to escape that and nobody's going there. But we got guys like Bernie selling that snake oil to our kids .
  18. Well his problem is he will make some good logical points then all at once he goes off into crazy land storys about all sorts of stuff. lol the left did not have a problem with him when the storys were about bush and 911 but now that he is going after the left as well puff everyone has a excuse to ban him lol such hypocrisy .
  19. Beside what you think of alex jones . These big globalist internet companys are getting to powerful there getting into everything and there getting to much influence over politicians. And everyone should be concerned with what they are up to especially when they get in bed with government like doc said the same groups that dominate the traditional media are starting to take over all parts of the internet now . It is becoming like that old science fiction movie 1984 .
  20. You have to think of the internet as the modern version of printing books and you can print a book about anything and hand it out for free and nobody can stop you . The same laws should apply with the internet .
  21. What about the internet it self what do you think doc? Can it be censored as well like his website? Has there been case law dealing with this yet anyone know ? I think there has and you can post a website for what ever you want in this country as long as its legal . Facebook is nothing more then the internet for dummys who could not figure out how to make there own website on the internet . Its the internet for dummys basically.
  22. Interesting article but they were making money with his popular content. I know the guy is going to take this to the courts so we will see what happens .
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