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Media Demo




Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Yea, I know but lot of the times me others are doing other things when texting so you don't really pay attention to everything you write on here . But getting back to it . Those platforms supposedly market themselves as some place you can post freely with out big brother telling you what to say or post .
  2. It dangerous what is going on these big multi national companys like apple and YouTube are getting to powerful and having to much influence on what we can watch or not watch if the guy did not get popular do you really think this would have happened to him lol of course not he got political and they dont like his politics. When its your guy or thing they go after lets see if you feel the same way . Its a slippery slop . Look how the media has been treating the NRA lately for example . Dont think they will not come after them next
  3. Telling you what he believes or thinks about something is not action its just speech Yea sure he was not banned for supporting trump wink wink lol
  4. Jones does not work for apple or youtube or Facebook these are public platforms that people use to Express there opinions and ideas to like minded people nobody pays you to use Facebook or post a video on YouTube. Its free to post and everyone is allowed to use it . Do you pay to post on youtube or Facebook? Nope
  5. So youtube apple can ban someone for any reason including because there a white Christian or a muslim or black is that what you are telling me lol or if you dont agree with them . Thats not the way it work here in this country . How old are you guys ?
  6. See you just looking at what they claim he said but nobody can come up with a video of it . is the tape then ? That link does not work and you need to see the whole episode not just 2 seconds of it either .
  7. Is my offending you making you lose money ? If not and there is no specific thing i or you did that violates the user agreement of this forum then you cant really ban someone for example. You think they are banning him for sandy hook lol thats a excuse. They are banning him because he suports trump . And powerful politicians ask them to ban him .
  8. He alex jones said he did not do that and there is no video of it happening , And i have seen know videos of that just what cnn says which they hate him and cant be trusted btw . Both sides lie but you want to make the left the ones to decide who can speak freely bad idea bro . They will come for your guns and hunting next .
  9. Maybe you should read it again body i could easily say your speech right now is offensive and have you banned for not agreeing with me, you cant have it both ways . Unless you threaten someone with a crime . Everything is protected underfree speech . (Crimes, like Child porn are illegal)so that for example would not be protected under freedom of speech .
  10. So you cant question the medias narrative of what happen at sandy hook ? So what ever are governments say or cnn is always %100 right and anyone who dares question it is wrong crazy and nobody else can question it cnn has guests on a regular basis that accuses the NRA of killing people and mass murder. But no ban there? The thing about the cake guy and LGBT was about freedom of religion.
  11. Its up to the public to decide what YouTube channel you watch or what podcast you listen to not some unelected company . What they are doing is unconstitutional . Unless he threaten somebody but I haven't seen any proof of that
  12. But so has cnn and every other media network made money talking about sandy hook . And there not banned from youtube dont like it change the channel (Free speech is there to protect speech you dont agree with ) And who made cnn YouTube or apple the gods to decide what stuff is ok to listen to and what stuff is not ? Are we living in the old USSR now . Cnn spins crazy conspiracy theories about trump and Russia all day long . Where is the ban ? And when they decide talking about anything to do with guns or hunting is offensive then what are you going to do because that is what they are going to try next almost guaranteed .
  13. Ok i know this guy says some crazy things sometimes but if its all bs why the sensorship ? What happen to free speech in this country ? I find this troubling.
  14. From my father and with out looking i bet probably like 90% will have similar storys about it . i think gun ownership also is very generational thing in this country also .
  15. You have to ask a lawyer in your area that specializes in gun laws . Like most things it costs $$ lots of bureaucracy involved in lots of places in this state it is what it is . And it helps if you own a business or have reason that makes you a target more then your average joe that you need protection at all times .
  16. Get a lawyer to help because with out one a lot of places will jerk you around with out one i here .
  17. You know what body because i dont like carrying the extra weight i would probably get one of those tiny 22s that many think would suck for self defense like north american arms mini revolver lol Many here would laugh at that im sure .
  18. I know martial arts by the way and worked as bouncer as a kid . Im in my 40s but have not lost my strength yet . (But i see your point )and may start packing more then a keyknife when i get a little older, but only if go to places that i think may be a problem. I dont like the extra weight of a sidearm on me . Like i side even my phone annoys me .
  19. Glad it worked out for you but Laws are tricky you shot someone especially if it happens not in your house or property the cops may see it differently then your story its a dammed if you do, dammed if you dont situation with guns alot of the time. I rather just rely on my size and strength to handle things maybe when i get older i will think differently but until then not going to bother dont even think about it . Dont even like the weight of my phome in my pocket let alone a gun
  20. Let me put it to you this way i dont know one person that has been shot . Except on a battlefield in war . You want to be extra cautious that is your business odds of getting shot at, in most parts of this country are very low .
  21. I would hope that if you went out with a bunch of friends be it on this forum like you said or elsewhere you would not be carrying a gun unless you plan on visiting some really really bad place in town . Me i dont live or have need to go to places like that the funny thing is alot of places that you really may need a gun like parts of nyc you can't have one or they make it near impossible to have one
  22. I did not ask what you believe. Just dont tell me what i should believe. Who are you bill maher
  23. You dont have to respond to the question just interesting to here what other people have to say .
  24. Well as other have said not to smart to go into details , but Even if i had papper work to carry anything anyplace I went there is pretty much no place i go that i would bother . Everything I own I use is for hunting or target shooting or collecting . Guns Self defense i dont really think about it . BUT ITS MY RIGHT !!!! I believe the guy upstairs watches my back . and the fact im the size of a house helps to my cell phone already is to much crap on its own to carry sometimes and i know im going use that .
  25. No need for weapons because I just drive around in this do you think its safe ?
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