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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I know a guy that has a 20 year old Toyota stock no rust prevention and still looks like new . And Most people not going to keep a car that long total waist of money
  2. In a week or less it will all be forgotten yea was a total waist of tax payers money they spend more then the money these guys supposedly failed to pay in tax anyway . And it happened years ago and had nothing to do with trump and Russia
  3. I think that whole russia investigation thing is going to backfire in there faces to most people it looks like a political hit job . Yea you go investigate everyone that someone knows it's almost guaranteed at one point in there life you are going to find something on somebody just imagine if they investigated all of hilarys and Obama's friends history what they would find .
  4. How about this goats in Brooklyn subway tracks https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Goats-Subway-Tracks-NYC-N-Train-491266351.html
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/2016/01/160106-science-evolution-apes-giant bigfoot did really exist over 100,000 years ago scientists speculate these storys got past on from prehistoric times when ancient people really did see them or there skeletons or fossils in the past and past those storys on from one generation to the next and that's why these storys are told all over the world pretty much.
  6. I dont believe in this crazy stuff But when ask why know proof Some native American tribes believe bigfoot are like ghosts or some type of inter- dimensional creature That's why no trail cam pictures. Lol They only let themselves be filmed when there doing beef jerky commercials lol
  7. Take a look at what's been happening in Canada that's what p.o.s coumo wants here .
  8. Yep my cousins had a camper we all hang out there playing poker at night I remember. great times
  9. Shzz I cant remember the exact spot up there anymore Been over 35 years now since I hunted up there was my older cousins and fathers and there friends spot they all would meet up there lot of them are deceased now .
  10. The coldest I can remember was about -10 in Roscoe ny in the 80s actually one of the first times I went hunting just old school hunting sitting on the ground against a tree then the wind kicked up really hard I had to start walking to keep warm after about about 2 hours of sitting there . By the time I got back to the road hands and feet where numb as crap .
  11. 600 to about 1200 usally depending where I'm at
  12. What's the coldest temperature you can remember hunting in with out moving from a blind or stand And for how long before you had to start walking around to stay warm .
  13. I know at least 2 guys around here personally that fell from stands one died the othe broke a few bones I think the numbers are higher then they report .
  14. Hell I have been banged up just by climbing in and out of tree stands seems like any time I come home with scratch or bruise any time I used one .
  15. I actually thinking about putting a little orange cloth on top of my blind when I am in it just to warm other hunters
  16. I try and put the ground blind in a spot that is backed up by large trees or rocks or hills so at least I dont have to worry about getting shot from the back. Bonus about hunting on the ground at least if you fall asleep you dont have to worry about falling out of a tree. And I can garinty you that you will almost always take more accurate shots from the ground then hanging from a tree .
  17. Does not surprise me that bill Maher dont like that he got banned because in reality they both do the same type show only difference is one does it from the left the other from the right . Jones does a lot of comedy on his show just like bill . And he is thinking o crap I could be next
  18. The explains why you should be at least a little skeptical about man made climate change.
  19. Unless you have to , Just use a ground blind there safer and so much more comfortable. I dont think deer even notice them once they been in a spot for a few days or weeks
  20. They are naive I think they get the idea from tv shows where the celebrity goes traveling the world even to these 3rd world crap holes and never has a problem and they always make everyone there a saint what they dont get is those celebrities have bodyguards when they film . You try it your self and you are risking your life .
  21. To be honest people that have anti-American feelings are not people you want politicians pandering to . The DMC should all come out and say to these ingrates if you feel that way you have no business being here or voting for any Democrat. Just like is expected of the Republicans to denounce all of the nazi groups out there . But of course the media will never call them out on that like they do with the right .
  22. Besides deer what is your favorite thing to hunt ?
  23. Guys like the governor that is who travels to places like that . They think just because they say silly anti-American things they get a free pass from the bad guys in those places . Liberals so naive .
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