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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Nope I hunt a lot of state land that hikers and even mountain bikers use and they all are friendly to me wave say HI or ask me if I got anything . I mean think about it would you really want to piss someone off in the woods that is holding a gun In there hands and is legally allowed to be hunting there ? Very few are that dumb .
  2. Just find it strange how people react to hunting sometimes . If you are doing something with the animal and the money is going to save the population why not .
  3. Leupold are they American or German ? Was not sure about that actually ok looked it up German immigrants . Founded it in this country in 1907
  4. Actually the one time I got 2 was late dont know if that means much
  5. When it comes to odds of getting a dmp in your preferd zone , Just wondering if it makes a difference if you buy your license right away or wait until September or even longer To get a new one . Do they do it first come first serve or is it totally random in some way .
  6. What joke ? DiCaprio dropped out of high school following his third year, eventually earning his general equivalency diploma (GED). and im supposed to listen about climate change from that guy lol at least know about the people you talk about dont you think before you make these accusations about things . O btw he is not the only one that is a drop out in Hollywood. Robert De Niro Whoopi Goldberg Other political big mouths also who are high school drop outs What a surprise . I could go on but you get my point . It's not a joke I'm making here just telling you the facts . We glorified these actors way to much in this country give them almost god like status. l
  7. co2 is not the only thing that effects weather so just because it can make the earth warmer other variables can just as easily make it cooler such as variations in the Earth's orbit, changes in the solar output, and volcanism.
  8. There actors not known for having the highest of IQ s He probably put his finger in the wind and picked this cause because it seemed popular .
  9. They are making it into a religion. Investing money on Alternative Energy is a good idea no matter what happens with the weather . Always good to have a backup plan for energy .
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/06/health/asian-long-horned-tick.html Asian long horned tick can carry diseases deadly to humans and has been spotted in NY For the first time in 50 years, a new tick species has arrived in the United States — one that in its Asian home range carries fearsome diseases. The Asian long-horned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis, is spreading rapidly along the Eastern Seaboard. It has been found in seven states and in the heavily populated suburbs of New York City.
  11. I did not say I dont believe it , I said what you here from scumbags like al gore or Hillary is not what climate scientists are saying they are cherry picking data to make you think the sky is falling been hearing these same predictions since the 70s this scam nothing new . Some just cant think for themselves sad . These same people Before said it was global cooling now its warming we need to worry about . The climate has always been changing anyway and that is a fact .
  12. Please explain genius with your ever knowing knowledge of the future because Al Gore said the polar bears would be dead by now . You have been brainwashed into thinking its something that is going to happen anytime soon . If it happens at all to many unpredictable variables to know that. Al Gore predicted that Earth’s “ice caps” will melt away by 2014.
  13. There are plenty of state lands in the state if you dont mind driving 2 or 3 hours to get to it . Anything close to civilization usually not that good but still if you can hunt a lot closer and be able to spend 2 times more time in the woods your chances probably equal the same as if you go two or three hours away to hunt .
  14. If the deniers are wrong then we get better weather I hate shoveling snow we all be dead by the time all of this happens btw .
  15. The only power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels to stop global warming is nuclear energy , when is the last time we built a nuclear plant in this country, and the same people who hate nuclear energy and will not let you built a new nuclear plant are the ones worrying the most about climate change . Do they really think people are going to go back to horses bicycles. Lol Solar and wind don't produce enough power for are needs that's the problem. Nuclear power can but you have to be very careful with it . And figure out what to do with the waste .
  16. Yea it is kind of funny that the people worrying the most about global warming are coming from the colder parts of the world . Since when is a little warmer bad for life on this planet. Most people are moving down south for the weather these days . When you Think about it most life on earth lives in the warmer climates the farther you go north the less animal and plant species you will find . The poles are almost lifeless. If the ocean rises well this will take time people will adapt move or build to deal with that , Like humans have been doing for thousands of years nothing last for ever .
  17. Yep The moon is made of cheese it is impossible to land a rocket ship on cheese it will melt and your ship will sink
  18. Look up chinas illegal fishing around the world . We cant even get them to stop that let alone co2 . https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/10425236
  19. I noticed when you get record warm temperatures someplace the media always hypes it up but when you get record lows you here nothing from them . But im pretty sure just all the concrete jungles and deforesting going on around the world is definitely going to warm up the earth besides co2 is it enough to create a problem in ones life time ? Or life times ? Who knows . Wouldn't it be better if they put most that money into habitat protection , I think so .
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