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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I understand where you are coming from but , Think about this What about the meat loss that happens when you have a close shot , shoot a deer with a big deer caliber at 30 yards and it can make a mess depending on where you hit .
  2. When you want a short light compact fast follow up shot rifle Everything becomes a compromise you go with a larger caliber bigger you get a heavier gun that's going to kick more be slower to get on target and slower to take a second shot . I have plenty of deer guns like that already like to get something different. Deer rifle calibers are designed for longer ranges 100 plus yards . If you know that you are going to be shooting at deer at under 50 60 or less yards is that power difference really going to matter ? 44 mag out of a rifle still has around 1000 foot pounds of energy at 100 yards . That's around the same energy a slug has at that distance and deer go down with them every year . Btw on wikipedia it says 44 mag has been used to take even the largest of big game even a elephant at close ranges . I think there are guys that hunt in Africa with them out of a hand gun just for the challenge of it, if I'm not mistaken maybe dinsdale knows about that . I know I saw a interview with dan pena the billionaire he said he used a hand gun on a Cape buffalo, I think it was a 44 mag he used .
  3. Bizz, sorry to here that I'm right about this but probably That deer is either in another hunters fridge , or coyote buffet by now.
  4. Yea that is What I mean a gun used in thick woods where you can only see or get a clear shot at 30 40 50 60 yards at most . Not that you would actually be shooting through brush not a good idea with any caliber.
  5. Which brand of ammo do you recommend for deer ? I here good things about this stuff . Buffalo Bore Ammunition 44 Remington Magnum +P 240 Grain Lead Soft Cast Hollow Point Gas Check Deer Grenade Box of 20 Personally I'm in the a good shot kills deer camp . More power is always better if you can get it in what you want to buy of course . I mean I would go 30-06 if they had it in the 16 inch take down model but they don't.. Usally i see deer at close range when I see them like 50 60 yards anyway.
  6. Pretty interesting anyone know exactly what's going on in there trapped gas, heat causing it to do that I'm guessing.
  7. No offense wolc123 but for some reason you just don't seem as the type of guy that shoots at deer with a 44 mag lever gun There pricey and the really good hunting ammo is not cheap . You seem to be more of the Walmart ammo guy what ever is on the shelf and shoot it once a year . I read you posts about not wanting to waist ammo . So is the 1 rating from personal experience or just here say ? Usually your posts have a story attached.
  8. They don't chamber what I want in that model or I definitely look at that .
  9. 44 mag Lever action carbine 16 inch barrel. I have know interest in hand gun hunting. Specifically this 1892 Alaskan Takedown 16" .44Mag Why? just because I like light compact rifles.. and where I hunt I see deer at usually under 60 yards 90% percent of the time .
  10. Well when I said brush gun what I mean or should have said places that you can only see under say 75 or less yards not necessary that you are going to actually shoot through brush thick woods gun . Generally speaking I would avoid shooting through brush because as you said its a crap shoot that it's not going to get deflected in some way .
  11. Ok deer search. Someone with a dog maybe .
  12. I believe you know as much or more then most the guys on here . So I'm not going to tell you your business. You know what I mean .
  13. So your not bringing him white castle? You know you love these posts
  14. Hmm you said you saw a coyote the other day I wonder how long it takes for few of them to eat up a deer .
  15. On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate a 44 mag in a rifle as a good brush gun ?
  16. Are you going to bring him white castle? To help
  17. Not necessarily if it happened after your blood trail went cold . Something like that happen to my cousin he took bad shot tracked it trail went cold then later on in after noon saw someone else dragging out that buck with a exstra hole in it . He said he new it was the same one because it had extra hole in it and same rack It Happens .
  18. Hmmm what's around your property? Public land? Private? Are there Many hunters around is it possible someone else saw it dead and dragged it out . Or saw it and put another shot in it and dropped it then dragged it out especially a good size buck this is always a possibility.
  19. I see you miss me . I know you are dying for me to put my 2 cents in but you already doing what I would do no brainer muzzleloader wins .
  20. Yea they have a nutty after taste chicken in nut sauce would probably be the best way to describe it . The ones around here at least . There not bad at all I cooked them just like chicken cacciatore .
  21. Taste like chicken, More or less
  22. https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2019/11/04/everybody-knows-the-whistleblower-is-eric-ciaramella/
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