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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. They got solar company's now I think they are starving for business they set them up for free on your house . No money down and you just pay monthly like electric bill . I never botherd to research it more from the time I saw the guy trying to sign people up at the mall one time . Maybe something to look into if you want something that is totally offgrid .
  2. I got into pcp airguns for that reason ammo is cheep don't have to go to a range or bother the Neighbors . Shoot them indoors in the basement .
  3. Funny and in the more populated cities they jump like rabbits when they hear a backfire from a muffler. Lol You get the omg what was that a gun
  4. Logic lol You guys are lucky lower southern zone has a lot of crazy laws . Usually they don't get inforced unless your neighbors are Cocks . But there on the books
  5. Because if they put the signs on some state parks you would assume they don't want you doing it on private land either in a lot of places even though it would be really hard to enforce that unless you really shoot a lot of rounds and piss off the neighbors.
  6. But then we would not be having this conversation now would we:) Maybe I should phrase it like this then , ( do you have neighbors that complain about you target shooting then.)
  7. Lol cool lucky you they even tried closing down the one outdoor range near me because of noise
  8. I mean like hours of range shooting Where people are going to know your not just hunting . Because obviously people hunt on their land and may take 1 or 2 pratice shots if you know what I mean .
  9. I know you can not in my town and County. But was wondering if there are places in the state that still allow it on private land . I know you can hunt but what about just target shooting ?
  10. Lol i think a lot of guys get doe tags as backup anyway. They really just want a nice looking rack .
  11. To me Crossbows attrack guys that are into rifle hunting more then bow hunter unless there elderly and just having problems drwaing back there bows anymore . So I think anyone over 60 should be allowed to use a crossbow if they want . Not sure about everyone unless the idea is to just get more rifle hunters in the woods . Really don't think anyone who shoots a bow good would really want full inclusion or push for it no matter what they may say on a forum They will be against it or at least be indifferent to it one way or the other. That is why these polls don't mean much sense on here . How do you know who really is a bow hunter or who is a rifle hunter On the internet ? Or how do you know who is a Serious bowhunter ? Or just a poser? There's no way to verify what people say on a forum. That being said anything that DEC thinks will help the younger generation stay into the sport I am ok with .
  12. I put dap of paint on either side of the peep string just to make sure it is staying in the same spot after every shot . They can slip sometimes after a lot of use I noticed
  13. I would like to know what this guy thinks . What ever he says I would be fine with . The guy is amazing
  14. I think it' considered drone because the passenger is not controllng it It flys by remote control . From a ground base
  15. Watch "LIVE: World's first passenger drone Ehang 184 delivers holiday gifts" on YouTube What a crock of bs there saying this is all Chinese technology lol But it's all stolen intellectual property tech from USA And EU Including the video editing software they used because this is fake looks like.
  16. You probably both are right depending on the bow design It may or may not be the case .
  17. My mistake I think was I took to many shots all at once should have eased back into slowely only take 5 or six shots daily for a week or 2 stretch out those muscles before taking a lot of shots all at once . I got to remind myself of this . This is not the first time I had this happen When I dont shoot for a long time i get this problem . But it seems like it is taking longer to recover lately That Is age kicking in I guess .
  18. Yea I may do that right now its turned all the way up to 70 ib
  19. Yea, was thinking it is age and maybe I should just get into crossbows .
  20. Took a few weeks off from shooting my bow . Next day after shooting it for the first time in 6 weeks I get a pain right under my arm that I hold my bow with . Anyone else have this happen .most of pulled something.
  21. Hmm I noticed this one is not on the news anymore already would be nice if they did the same with the others . Because the attention is what's driving these psychos.
  22. Yep that is My theory not eating meat makes these vegans lose their mind.
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