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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. So It was not my imagination when I said there all over the place they move them around out there to all over . Instead of putting them in shelters .
  2. I saw one along the highway with black spots instead of white I didn't see the mother .
  3. Now if he said they stamped made in China on them at the mall then I would think it was bullshit. But they are probably exaggerating I doubt that happens often if it happens at all .
  4. When I did it my self it always looked perfect much better got a gardener now the guy just doesn't keep up with it let's them grow out . I got to call like every few weeks and remind him to trim .
  5. I have know idea if it's TRUE the orginal story came from vice news a very liberal source. I doubt they made it up .
  6. Nice, I wonder how much federal land there is in new york state and how much of it will now be open to hunting and fishing now .
  7. Me either crazy right And most are stuff is coming from there including things like cooking equipment and medicine. Can you imagine .
  8. Next time you buy something made overseas think about this video and who's making that crap over there
  9. Not for the ignore folks You have to hear this to believe it crazy stuff .
  10. I told my friends that everyone hates me on here . They said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet. Good night now
  11. Come on now am I really so bad that you got to put the ignore button on. I didn't even say anything derogatory about you . Just saying do what you want .
  12. I thought you had me on ignore?
  13. https://www.hotcars.com/used-pickups-to-buy-and-to-totally-avoid/
  14. There is this unwritten rule when kids are in danger man instinctively usually help this guy obviously was less of a man . There is a lot a guy can do from going on a suicide mission just running at him and just standing there with his thumb up his ass . Like at least get close enough and shoot at the sob from behind something. Szzz like you need training to figure it out
  15. At minimum cops got to return fire at least once just to distract the guy and give people a chance to run away No?
  16. So the guy has a gun is right there and does nothing definitely needs to be punished for that .
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/06/04/us/parkland-scot-peterson.amp.html Parkland Officer Who Stayed Outside During Shooting Faces Criminal Charges
  18. Yea you are right Sir but if you read back I was not talking about his particular truck but you right I should have not posted the question about Ford on his post sorry moog . My bad experience was with there cars from 30 years ago never had a problem with there trucks for the record good to hear they still make them right.
  19. Pickups always been pretty good was there cars I was talking about was joking he don't like my joke
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