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Hey Everyone! I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel! If ya'll enjoy watching whitetails in the rut then you need to watch this! One of the coolest encounters that I've ever been able to video! All filmed off the back of my horse. Note: this is not on a deer farm. These are all wild free ranging whitetails! I'd love it if ya'll would give me some follows on my hunting pages! You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at Cross Over the River Outdoors! I hope Ya'll enjoy the video! God Bless!
Cotton-Hanlon, Inc. is a timber management company that owns over 33,000 acres. To help off set our property tax bills we lease the exclusive hunting rights out to groups or individuals. We've been in the leasing business since 1970. Our goal is to find the 'perfect' woodlot for you and your group. Many of our groups have been leasing from us for over 25 years, so as you can see we value building long term relationships. If this is something that interests you please check out our website for further details. The new list of available hunting leases will be published on our website on Friday March 1, 2019 at 7:30 AM We are working on the list right now so I can't give any specific details but it looks like we'll have leases ranging in size from 20 to over 600 acres in the following NY counties: Chemung Cortland Oswego Schuyler Tioga Tompkins Again check out our website this Friday March 1, 2019 at 7:30 AM as things go fast. All our contact info. can be found on the website. Thanks, Bob
Just a quick post to say we have added some new woodlots to the list of available hunting leases. Hunting season isn’t that far away and maybe you haven’t found your perfect spot yet. Well it’s not to late to get your group together and lease some land from Cotton-Hanlon. Here’s a quick summary of the woodlots I just added to the list (all in NY): # 204B Broome Co., Lisle 44.65 ac #448 Cayuga Co., Sempronius 26.1 ac #263 Tioga Co., Barton 50 ac #007 Tioga Co., Candor 216 ac #031,155,210 Tioga Co., Spencer 98.6 ac #090,421 Tompkins Co., Caroline 168 ac Check out the complete list on our website If you have any questions or you want to check out one any of the woodlots send me an email and I’ll get the maps sent right out. Bob
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It's that time of year again, we will soon be publishing the list of woodlots that will be open for hunting leases. On Wednesday, March 1st at 7:30 AM the list of Cotton-Hanlon woodlots at are open for lease will published on our website I'm working on the list right now so it's still a little up in the air but it looks like we'll have woodlots available in the following NY counties: Chemung, Cortland, Oswego, Schuyler, Tioga and Tompkins. These woodlots range in size from 16 acres to over 500 ac. Make sure to mark it on your calendar and check our website first thing in the morning on the 1st! Bob
Last archery season we tried something different, we hunted on public land for the first time and it paid off. Deer Hunting Video>>
Its that time of year, turkey season is rapidly approaching and here is a short video clip to help set the mood. Turkey Hunting Video>>
Are you looking for a hunting lease? Somewhere you and your group can 'call your own'? Cotton-Hanlon is going to be publishing the list of available hunting leases on March 1, 2016 at 7:30 AM. We will have leases ranging in size from 20 acres to over 600 acres. Check out our website!hunting-leases/c16gkto see the complete list and details on March 1st. Make sure to check first thing in the morning as they go fast. Bob
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If you are looking for a hunting lease you are in luck. Cotton-Hanlon will be posting our list of available woodlots on March 2, 2015 (next Monday) at 7:30 AM. It's first come first served so make sure to check out our website that morning. Looks like we are going to have two to three dozen woodlots open for lease on the list this year. All of the parcels will be in NY in the following counties: Chemung, Cortland, Oswego, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to shoot me an email. [email protected] Bob Chief Forester Cotton-Hanlon, Inc
The following map link displays boundaries for the NY Wildlife Management Units. This map will always be up-to-date since the data comes straight from a GIS (Geographical Information System) server operated by the state. You can also turn various other GIS overlay layers on/off and change the stacking order.,-76.060753&z=7&t=m,Wildlife_management_unit&q= To display the list of basemaps and GIS overlay layers, click the button (upper right corner) that is showing the name of the current basemap. Click the overlay layers to turn them on/off. The first layer you turn on will be #1 and at the bottom of the stack. The last layer you turn on will have the highest number and be at the top of the stack. Be patient. Some GIS overlay layers might take a short time to appear on your screen depending on how busy the server is when you ask it for data. If you open this map with a smartphone or tablet, then you will automatically see a touch-friendly interface. If you are hunting on any of the public land shown on the map and there is cell service, then you can: Open the above link with your smartphone Do Menu ==> My location The map will center at your position and display a symbol that will follow you just like a dedicated GPS unit. This will help you stay on the public land. To see high resolution topo maps, zoom in a bunch and then change the basemap to “t4 Topo High”. To see the map legends, click the "About this map" link in the upper left corner then scroll down a bit for links to the map legends. The "About" page also has a link to tips for using the map. You can search, change the coordinate format, display a UTM grid and a lot more. If you want to get the most out of the map please take a few moments to read the “Tips”. They are written in plain English since I never did learn how to write computer babble-speak. The overlay layer titled “Point of interest” includes different symbols for campgrounds, picnic areas, etc. This layer also has a lot of other information and will take a short time to appear on your screen. These symbols are easiest to see if you change the basemap to “All white basemap”. Yes, the map works offline but you have to give it some help. Please see this pdf file: The map is displayed by Gmap4 which is an enhanced Google map viewer. Full disclosure time: I am the developer of the Gmap4 browser app. It is used by people that enjoy all kinds of outdoor recreation. Here is the recipe for making your own custom Gmap4 map link: 1. Pick the basemap you want 2. Turn on the GIS layers you want. Remember, the layers are stacked from bottom to top as you turn them on. 3. Adjust the panning and zooming 4. Click Menu ==> Link to this map The link that is displayed will reproduce the map you see on your screen. This map is part of a project I am doing to make Gmap4 links that show GIS recreation information at both the federal and state level. Here is the homepage for this project where you will find links to the other maps that have already been produced and the next state that will be processed. Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
NJ goose hunt - RESERVE NOW!!! Hello goose hunters! SkebaFarms has guided goose hunts available now. We are crop farmers located in central Jersey minutes from exit 8 on the New Jersey Turnpike. Our September hunts are over early sweet corn fields, the only open fields around! You know what this means...15 bird limits! Come hunt with us for an unbelievable goose hunting experience! Call Dan for more info (609) 468-7611 or email [email protected].
Hey everyone... my name is James, new to the site.... Just saying hello and good luck to everyone this season. looking forward to sharing this deer season with all of you. Good luck and shoot straight!
Iowa’s Third Dove Season After Ten Years of this in Iowa: Dove hunting interest remains high August 25, 2013 Hunter interest remains high heading into Iowa’s third mourning dove season. The 70-day season opens Sept. 1, with birds now pouring into Iowa on their southward migration. The number of hunters should edge upward, too. “I expect a little bump up in hunter numbers again as more of them learn about dove hunting. A few more friends will come along,” said DNR upland research biologist Todd Bogenschutz. Last year, 9,328 dove hunters harvested 94,864 birds, according to the postseason small game survey. That was up from 8,780 hunters, taking 57,285 mourning doves in 2011, the first year of dove hunting in Iowa. Iowa’s summer “call count” showed a stable local dove population early this summer. “Hunters are learning more about hunting and where to find doves,” said Bogenschutz. “That first week is good. It’ll drop off after the first killing frost, but there are great hunting opportunities throughout the two-month season.” The continent’s most populous game bird, doves will concentrate in fields that have been harvested or which have food plots — especially if bare ground is available. Rather than walking and flushing birds, camouflaged hunters should sit and wait near food sources, water or roosting locations. As with most upland species, weather is always a factor. A soggy April and May meant numerous fields did not get planted or were flooded. Bogenschutz said he has noticed plenty of fields in the past weeks which came up in weeds or which might have had a cover crop like winter wheat planted. Both offer great dove hunting, especially if disked to provide bare ground for feeding. Iowa’s best dove hunting is probably on public wildlife areas with sunflower plantings. Hunters increase their chances of success by scouting ahead of time; checking with wildlife biologists in their area, for locations of sunflower plots or — in the case of flooded fields — areas replanted late with cover crops. The Iowa DNR’s website www.iowadnr. gov has a variety of mourning dove hunting information. Mourning doves are classed as a federal migratory bird. A migratory bird fee is not required to hunt doves. Eight of the lower 48 states, NY, NJ, MA, Maine, VT, NH, Conn., and MI do not allow dove hunting. If you are interested in knowing why dove hunting is not allowed and how to make a change, follow our page and join our grassroots effort. In the last decade the states prohibiting dove hunting has been cut in half. Every one of these states had the same battle as Iowa as shown in the video. As a matter of fact, Michigan had established a season only to have it repealed three years later. Just recently Michigan passed a law designating their Department of Natural Resources as the authority on setting hunting seasons. However, an exception was made for one species – the mourning dove. Rhode Island, the only northeastern state besides Pennsylvania which allows dove hunting, recently fought off an attempt by the Humane Society of the US to repeal their dove season. The same anti-hunting organizations are targeting the same states, including NY just a few years ago to close down state pheasant farms and ban state pheasant release programs.
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Ohio (Not a Northeastern state, but borders New York) Youth Nonresident license only $10, Youths given priority in Managed Dove Field Controlled hunt lotteries. Nonresident License $125 3 Day Nonresident license $40 Youth Nonresident $10 Where to purchase license or to purchase online or by mail: The Ohio Wildlife Council approved the state's 2013-2014 early migratory game bird hunting seasons at its scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 17, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Sept. 1 kicks off the state’s bird hunting seasons for mourning dove. Ohio's dove season is Sept. 1-Oct. 21 and Dec. 15-Jan. 2, 2014, with a daily limit of 15 birds and a possession limit of 45 birds after the second day. Controlled dove hunts will be offered at Fallsville, Rush Run, Spring Valley, Indian Creek and Bott state wildlife areas. Bott Wildlife Area will hold its drawings at the Indian Creek Headquarters. These controlled hunts will take place on Sunday, Sept. 1, and Monday, Sept. 2; hunting hours will be noon to sunset. Controlled dove hunts will also be offered at St. Marys Fish Hatchery on Sept. 1-2, 7, 14 and 21. Youths 17-years-old and younger will be given priority on Sept. 1-2. Opening day drawings for all of these hunts will take place at noon on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the respective public area headquarters. Drawings for the other hunts will be held the day of the hunt at noon. Maps and details are available at Questions about these hunts should be directed to the ODNR Division of Wildlife’s District Five office at 937-372-9261. Hunters must obtain a new HIP certification each year. Licenses, permits and stamps are available online at the Wild Ohio Customer Center. Hunting hours are sunrise to sunset. The only exceptions will be on wildlife areas that have specially posted hunting times for doves. The 2013-14 Ohio Hunting and Trapping Regulations and the 2013 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons brochure can be found online at The 2013 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons brochure will be available by late August at license outlets, ODNR Division of Wildlife district offices or by calling 800-WILDLIFE. Visit the ODNR website at . For some tasty dove recipes, check out our Wild Ohio Cookbook. Ohio Managed Dove Fields Download the locations of all dove fields and parking areas using Google Earth. For hyper links click here: Central Ohio Big Island Wildlife Area Deer Creek Wildlife Area Delaware Wildlife Area Mackey Ford Wildlife Area Northwest Ohio Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area Lake La Su An Wildlife Area Pickerel Creek Wildlife Area Resthaven Wildlife Area Wyandot Wildlife Area Northeast Ohio Berlin Lake Wildlife Area Funk Bottoms Wildlife Area Grand River Wildlife Area Highlandtown Wildlife Area Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area West Branch State Park Wildlife Area Southeast Ohio AEP Recreation Land Crown City Wildlife Area Dillon Wildlife Area-Area 2 Dillon Wildlife Area-Area 3 Egypt Wildlife Area Salt Fork Wildlife Area Tri-Valley Wildlife Area Woodbury Wildlife Area-Central Section Woodbury Wildlife Area-Northwest Section Southwest Ohio Caesar Creek Wildlife Area Clark Lake Darke Wildlife Area Della Gates & Edward Charles Bott Wildlife Area East Fork Wildlife Area Fallsville Wildlife Area Fallsvile Wildlife Area-South Unit Indian Creek Wildlife Area Paint Creek Lake Wildlife Area Pater Wildlife Area Rush Run Wildlife Area Spring Valley Wildlife Area
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Nugent on dove legislation May 2013 Wolf hunt accomplished, Ted Nugent says Michigan should turn to dove season next Michigan rocker Ted Nugent talks dove hunting Michigan rocker Ted Nugent talks dove hunting. By Cory Olsen | [email protected] on May 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM, updated May 15, 2013 at 4:23 PM GRAND RAPIDS, MI — You don't have to wait long to hear an opinion about wildlife management when talking to Michigan native rocker Ted Nugent. When asked recently about the newly approved wolf hunt, Nugent suggested the state take things one step further: A dove season. "We can hunt pheasants in Michigan, we can hunt quail in Michigan," Nugent said. "Grouse? Huntable. Woodcock? Huntable. There are more doves in Michigan than all those birds combined. The dove is the No. 1 game species, not just the No. 1 game bird on the planet, it's the No. 1 game species. The mourning dove generates more family hours of recreation than any species including bluegills." Doves were banned from hunting in 2006. The reason for Michiganders not being able to hunt them? Look to the history of the state's leadership, Nugent said. "This is insanity," Nugent said. "This is a holdover of the days of (former Detroit mayors) Kwame (Kilpatrick) and Coleman Young and (former governor) Jennifer Granholm that wouldn't know a mourning dove from a pterodactyl." A recently added piece of legislature, Bill 288, that Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law on May 8, will now put the power of designating game species as well as hunting seasons for those species in the hands of the Natural Resources Commission. That should help clear up any red tape holding back a dove hunt, Nugent said. "I'm pleased that scientifically educated professionals will now have the authority to make sure that the universally respected and utilized game species on the planet, that Michigan produces more of than Indiana or Ohio or Illinois, where you can hunt them, that we will legalize dove hunting." Outspoken about all things wildlife, Nugent said the revenue generated via people using hotels, grocery stores, restaurants and equipment could be huge for Michigan. "It's about damn time," he said.
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NY has used a strategy for several years which purportedly will sustain conservation funding, however this locks up large amounts of money and does not seem to be necessary in the first place. Time is of the essence characterizes conservation. There is no time to play politics or investment banking with conservation funds. Investment in conservation pays, it does not cost... One example is open land returns a yield of five dollars on one dollar invested. Policy makers instead decided to invest a portion of sporting license revenues not in conservation, but in the state short term investment pool at a maximum return of 6% and delay the DEC access to that return for 12 months while tens of millions of principle is run through the state's STIP and not accessible to the DEC for an indefinite time. It is our goal to make the conservation community fully aware of this and make their own decisions on whether this strategy is wise. Those who are opposed to this strategy can boycott lifetime sporting licenses and buy annual licenses instead. In addition those opposed can contact the NY state assembly & senate, particularly those representing their voting district and the chairs of the assembly & senate environmental conservation committees.
Another loss for the HSUS
mike rossi posted a topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
A bill that would have made animal cruelty a felony in South Dakota has been rejected by the state Senate Ag committee. A report in the Examiner dot com says Ag groups lobbied heavily against Senate Bill 171, saying current animal abuse and cruelty statutes in South Dakota are working. The bill excluded farming and ranching practices but ag groups were heavily against the measure because it was supported by the Humane Society of the United States. The North Dakota state Senate passed a felony animal cruelty and abuse bill last week. North and South Dakota are the two states in the nation without felony laws against egregious animal cruelty-
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The New head of the DOI President Obama on Wednesday will nominate Recreational Equipment (REI) chief executive Sally Jewell to head the Interior Department, according to a White House official who asked not to be identified because the public announcement has not yet been made. The choice of Jewell, who began her career as an engineer for Mobil Oil and worked as a commercial banker before heading a nearly $2 billion outdoors equipment company, represents an unconventional choice for a post usually reserved for career politicians from the West. But while she boasts less public policy experience than other candidates who had been under consideration, Jewell, who will have to be confirmed by the Senate, has earned national recognition for her management skills and support for outdoor recreation and habitat conservation. In 2011 Jewell introduced Obama at the White House conference on “America’s Great Outdoor Initiative,” noting that the $289 billion outdoor-recreation industry supports 6.5 million jobs. Jewell, who is being nominated to succeed Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, would take over at a time when many conservationists are pressing Obama to take bolder action on land conservation. Salazar devoted much of his tenure to both promoting renewable energy on public land and managing the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. On Tuesday former interior secretary Bruce Babbitt gave a speech at the National Press Club calling on the president to set aside one acre permanently for conservation for every acre he leases for oil and gas development. “It’s that simple: one to one,” Babbitt said. “So far, under President Obama, industry has been winning the race as it obtains more and more land for oil and gas. Over the past four years, the industry has leased more than 6 million acres, compared with only 2.6 million acres permanently protected. In the Obama era, land conservation is again falling behind.” Facing congressional opposition and budget constraints during Obama’s first term, Salazar emphasized the importance of enlisting private sector, state and local support to protect major landscapes through America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. Jewell emerged as a strong advocate of the policy, and is likely to continue such efforts. While public lands protection has traditionally enjoyed bipartisan support, this issue has become increasingly polarized, and the 112th Congress was the first one since 1966 to fail to designate a single piece of wilderness. Environmentalists such as Babbitt have urged Obama to use the Antiquities Act, which gives presidents the executive authority to set aside land as national monuments, to protect ecologically valuable areas in the West. Jewell has pushed for land conservation both in Washington state, where she lives, as well as nationally. She is a founding board member of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, which focuses on a stretch of land spanning from Puget Sound across the Cascades, and helped lay out a plan for the National Park Service as a commissioner on the “National Parks Second Century Commission.” Wyss Foundation president Molly McUsic, whose group focuses on land conservation, wrote in an e-mail that Jewell “understands the full economic potential of America’s resources.” “She knows the oil and gas business from having worked at Mobil and in the banking industry, but also understands the growing economic potential of America’s $646 billion outdoor recreation industry,” McUsic added. “She knows that to grow the economy, development of energy resources must be on equal ground with the protection of places that drive tourism, travel, and recreation.” While Jewell is more closely identified with the Democratic Party than the Republicans, she made a high-profile appearance with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) back in 2008 when he was running for president. McCain spoke with Jewell and others at an environmental policy roundtable outside of Seattle, during which the senator argued that he had stronger environmental credentials than either Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton, who were both vying for the Democratic presidential nomination at the time. Other contenders for the Cabinet position in recent weeks included former Washington governor Christine Gregoire (D), Interior Deputy Secretary David Hayes and Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.).
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It's almost end of season and my husband only got ONE deer this year and he's only got a buck tag left. I think it's so dumb how all these people are posting pics of dead deer after dead deer on facebook—they can't possibly have tags for all those!!! Sometimes playing by the rules doesn't seem fair. Hunting licenses cost so much, you have to tag your deer, you can't hunt after dark, can't use decoys, and on and on. Do you play by the rules ALL the time? Should we pick and choose which laws to actually abide by? Ever gotten caught? You know, of course, the second my husband takes the chance and shoots a doe without a tag for it he'll get fined. Just our luck.
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Hey everyone, The year is almost at its end! Good news is its hunting season and plus we can set some new goals for next! Anyways saw the thread and wanted to come in and say hello! Best of luck to everyone this season....
Share Your Hunting Stories: New Film Project This is a call for hunters interested in sharing their hunting stories with Australian video artist Alex Kershaw who is currently on residency in Brooklyn, NY at The International Studio & Curatorial Program. He is simply looking for an informal chat with hunters of all ages and experience levels and to potentially involve them in a final film, which would be the result of this research. You can view examples of Alex's past work here: For more information, please feel free to call or email: Chris, production assistant 845-820-7021 [email protected]
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The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced that approximately 30,000 adult pheasants will be released on lands open to public hunting for the upcoming Fall pheasant hunting season. The pheasant hunting season begins on October 1 in northern and eastern portions of New York, October 15 in central and western portions of New York, and November 1 on Long Island. For the fifth consecutive year, junior hunters (12-15 years old) have the opportunity to hunt pheasants the weekend prior to the opening of regular pheasant hunting season. In northern and eastern New York, the youth pheasant hunt weekend is September 24-25. In western New York, the youth pheasant hunt weekend is October 8-9. Pheasants will be released on a number of select sites across the state to provide ample youth hunting opportunities (see table below). All current pheasant hunting rules and regulations remain in effect during the youth hunt. In addition to the upstate youth hunts, DEC is working to establish a youth pheasant hunt on Long Island (Nassau and Suffolk counties) this Fall. Legislation authorizing a youth hunt on Long Island was signed by Governor Cuomo in August, and DEC initiated a regulatory proposal that, if adopted, would have the youth hunt held on the last full weekend in October (October 29-30, 2011). Pheasants would be released prior to that weekend at the sites listed below. To review the proposal and submit comments visit the "Proposed Regulations" page on the DEC website. The public comment period on this proposal is open and comments will be accepted through October 3, 2011. See: http://www.dec.ny.go...egulations.html . The pheasants will be released on state-owned wildlife management areas and cooperative hunting areas prior to and during the Fall hunting season. All release sites for pheasants raised via state-funded programs are open to public hunting. A list of statewide adult pheasant release sites and sites receiving birds for the youth pheasant hunt weekends can be found on DEC's website: http://www.dec.ny.go...tdoor/9349.html . The Day-old Pheasant Chick Program provides additional opportunities for pheasant hunters. This program was developed in the early 1900s to provide day-old pheasant chicks to cooperating 4-H groups and sportsmen and sportswomen. The chicks are distributed to program participants in May and June, and cooperators incur all costs associated with rearing the birds, including feed, water, utilities and facility construction. The birds are raised to adulthood and released on lands open to public hunting before the season opens. This year, nearly 46,000 pheasant chicks were distributed statewide as part of this program. Anyone interested in raising and releasing pheasants to expand next year's hunting opportunities should contact DEC's Reynolds Game Farm at (607) 273-2768. Boundaries for pheasant hunting zones conform to Wildlife Management Units used for management of other wildlife. Wildlife Management Unit boundary descriptions can be found on the DEC website. In addition to knowing these unit boundary descriptions, hunters should review the 2011-2012 New York Hunting & Trapping guide for complete regulations and other important information before going afield. Hunters who plan to use private lands should ask permission from the landowner prior to accessing those lands. Youth Pheasant Hunt Sites 2011: County - Town - Youth Hunt Site - Special Rules & Notes Albany - Berne - Partridge Run WMA - See maps at all informational kiosks Albany - Knox - Margaret Burke WMA - West side of County Route 254 Allegany - Birdsall - Keaney Swamp Wildlife Management Area - Allegany - New Hudson - Hanging Bog WMA along New Hudson Rd. - Broome - Triangle - Whitney Point Multiple Use Area - Cattaraugus - Conewango, Randolph - Conewango Swamp Wildlife Management Area - between Rte. 241 and Conewango Creek - Cattaraugus - Farmersville - Harwood Lake Multiple Use Area - Cattaraugus - Red House - Allegany State Park, Wolf Run Rd. & Upper Bay State Rd. - Free permit necessary from Administration Building Cattaraugus - South Valley - Allegheny Reservoir Wildlife Management Area - Vicinity of Bone Run off Onoville Rd. Cayuga / Tompkins - Ledyard, Genoa, Lansing - Cayuga Tompkins Co-op Hunting Area - Chautauqua - Sherman - Alder Bottom Wildlife Management Area - off Idora Rd. and Rte 76. - Chenango - Smithville - Long Pond State Forest - Clinton - Chazy - Lake Alice Wildlife Management Area - Delaware - Colchester - Bear Spring Mtn. WMA - Trout Brook Rd. Dutchess - Milan - Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area - Dutchess - Red Hook - Tivoli Bays Wildlife Management Area - Erie - Collins - Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area - South of Vail and Unger Rd. and Button Rd. - Essex - Westport - Near the junction of Lake Shore Rd & Clark Rd on state land - Genesee - Darien - Darien Lake State Park - Genesee / Niagara - Alabama, Royalton - Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area - Jefferson - Brownville - Perch River Wildlife Management Area - Livingston - Livonia - Hemlock-Canadice State Forest - North end of Hemlock Lake Monroe - Greece - Braddock Bay Wildlife Management Area - Niagara - Lewiston - Joseph Davis State Park - Special permit required for hunting pheasants on Oct. 8-9; Contact J. Davis State Park, 716-754-7766 Niagara - Wilson - Wilson-Tuscarora State Park - Special permit required for hunting pheasants on Oct. 8-9; Contact Wils.-Tusc. State Park, 716-751-6361 Oneida - Whitestown - Oriskany Flats Wildlife Management Area - Onondaga - Lysander - Three Rivers Wildlife Management Area - Ontario / Yates - Naples, Italy - High Tor Wildlife Management Area - Orange - New Windsor - Stewart State Forest - Oswego - Richland - Deer Creek Marsh Wildlife Management Area - Oswego - West Monroe - Three-Mile Bay Wildlife Management Area - Putnam - Patterson - Cranberry Mountain Wildlife Management Area - Putnam - Patterson - Great Swamp Wildlife Management Area - Access off Cornwall Hill Rd., park in designated areas only (6 car capacity) Rensselaer - Nassau - North and south of Jefferson Hill Rd. at the intersection with Middle Rd. - Must ask permission by calling 518-766-4346 after 5 PM Saratoga - Greenfield - Daketown State Forest - St. Lawrence - Canton - Upper & Lower Lakes Wildlife Management Area - Steuben - Tuscarora - Nichols Farm on Thompson Road - Suffolk** - Brookhaven - Rocky Point State Natural Resources Management Area - A daily permit must be obtained from the Ridge Hunter Check Station. Suffolk** - Brookhaven - Eastport State Lands - A daily permit must be obtained from the Ridge Hunter Check Station. Suffolk** - Riverhead / Brookhaven - Otis Pike Preserve - A daily permit must be obtained from the Ridge Hunter Check Station. Tioga - Richford - Michigan Hill State Forest - Washington - Greenwich - Carter's Pond Wildlife Management Area - Washington - Jackson - Eldridge Swamp State Forest - Wayne - Savannah - N. Montezuma Wildlife Management Area along Savannah-Spring Lake Rd. - Wayne - Wolcott/Huron - Lake Shore Marshes Wildlife Management Area - Wyoming - Middlebury - Carlton Hill Multiple Use Area & Sulphur Springs FWMA Co-op. - Five miles north of Warsaw **TENTATIVE. There is a regulatory proposal to establish a youth pheasant hunt on Long Island that is currently open for public comment. Comments on the proposal will be accepted through Oct. 3, 2011. If the proposal is adopted, birds would be released at the sites listed above for Oct. 29-30, 2011. Additional information provided on the DEC website includes: Pheasant Hunting Information: http://www.dec.ny.go...tdoor/8363.html Pheasant Hunting Seasons: http://www.dec.ny.go...door/29453.html Pheasant Release Sites: http://www.dec.ny.go...tdoor/9349.html Long Island Youth Pheasant Hunt Regulatory Proposal: http://www.dec.ny.go...egulations.html Click here to view the article
- Pheasants
- 2011 Hunting Season
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