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Full Moon Activity

Cabin Fever

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Do you see as much daytime activity during a bright full moon as you do during dark new moon phases?

I HATE hunting during bright full moons! The woods are DEAD! I seldom see any deer activity, mornings, afternoons, or evenings! The squirrels don't even seem to be active. EVERY year, I swear I won't burn precious vacation days during a full moon, but it seems I do anyway, with the same results, year after year! If it falls on a weekend, I'll certainly hunt, but this year I'm going to try to hold off on burning vacation time during a bright full moon.

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Yeah, me too! Things are not as active during the day when there is a full moon.

This is a proven fact that whitetails are more active at night time during the full moon phase.

Just as an FYI - October 20 is the 1st full moon during archery season's 1st week. That should pretty much put a kibosh on any day time movements that week (M-F). Still , I'll be there and waiting.

Nov. 17 is the next full moon. The 2 weeks before that event should be great, especially the 6th thru the 14th.

Wait a minute, am I predicting the rut? Is this the right topic?

LOL  :)

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I was planning my vacation the other day and noticed that there would be a full moon on Oct. 20th. Having to deal with a limited amount of vacation days, I decided not to burn any that week and save them for later.

That's NOT saying I won't hunt that week. I can still hunt in the afternoons, I just won't burn vacation time, so I won't hunt in the mornings. Afternoons are like "freebie" hunts...  ;)

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Deer movment is on the slower side on nights with a full moon, assuming the deer are feeding pretty well during the night. However, its not always true. Spot depending, ive seen decent deer movment on a full moon night. Full moon or not it still doesnt change my mind about getting out to hunt.

I always try to think positive and during the rut theres no rhyme or reason with these bucks. i always say it takes one hot doe to change everyting. full moon or not...

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I hate to hunt on the Full Moon too, especially in the evening. Don't mind it so much when the Full Moon is waning, usually about five days after full illumination. Then we get into the darker phases and things always start to pop for me.

But what I hate even more than the Full Moon is the darn First Quarter, a day or two before the Full Moon. In all my years of hunting, that late afternoon stand is the worst ever for seeing deer.

But I can't stay out of the woods during bow season so I am always out there anyway...heck even those last few days of the First Quarter, just before the Full Moon with a bow and arrow sounds pretty darn good right now!

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