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Been there many times..The dog obviously tried to shake and kill the porky.. Some breeds ignore pain and press the attack as this one did..Always a losing effort with a porky..The smart ones get a few quills in thier snout and back off..The stubborn breeds, like the bulldogs end up looking like that pup..The tough quills are not the ones you see on the outside of the dog's muzzle..They are the ones inside the mouth, through the tongue, between the teeth, in the throat, etc.

My Dad always had coon hounds and we have always had house "dawgs" around..I have spent many, many hours pulling porcupine quills, usually in the middle of the night..Not fun..

However, one of the worst ones I ever did was a friend's beagle. The little bastard bit me four times before I got smart enough to muzzle him by putting a stick in his mouth and taping it behind his head so he could not close his jaws.

After wrestling with many large, strong dogs many times, I finally just started taking them to the vet. He would give the dog a shot to knock it out, hand me a pair of forceps, and we would both pull quills.. Cost some $$$, but it was much easier on both me and the poor dog..

For this reason, I always shot any porcupines that I encountered close to my home or hunting areas..

I no longer have canines, so the porkies get a break from me now.

Edited by Pygmy
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Yea that is bad. but not uncommon. I use to live in Ulster county and worked as a vet Tech and I have work on dogs at least a few every summer. all those quills are not good. The sooner you get your dog to the vet the better off he or she will be. they can go into shock from that.

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