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National Archery in the Schools Program


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I was just poking around the web site for "The National Archery in the Schools Program" (NASP) and came on the following info:

2011 - 2012 School year has introduced over 2 million 4th - 12th grade aged youth to the life sport of Archery via the NASP®.

NASP has NOW exceeded 'Little League Baseball' and is 3 times the size of Lacrosse.

That is a pretty staggering stat. It sounds like archers are doing their part in the area of shooting sports as far as promoting youth participation. I wonder how many NYS schools participate in the program. Sounds like something bowhunters should be getting behind.

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There is a contact person at the DEC who has all of the info on this program. I sent out and got it a year or two ago, great program but needs volunteers and community involvement/donations to work. Very difficult to get those things when the focus is largely of other sports and activities.

For the life of me I cannot recall the womans name who heads it up, Michelle maybe? hmm

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