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Draw deer in front of the camera


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I asked about the fact that it might be illegal . He said they used to have to post a notice in the store but no longer . I was under the impression that you had to remove any bait 30 days before season opened ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I could've sworn I read that somewhere too, but I just re-read the book twice and can't find it anywhwere.  I've never done drugs and I quit drinkin' so I guess it's just old age kicking in.  ;D

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I asked about the fact that it might be illegal . He said they used to have to post a notice in the store but no longer . I was under the impression that you had to remove any bait 30 days before season opened ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I could've sworn I read that somewhere too, but I just re-read the book twice and can't find it anywhwere.  I've never done drugs and I quit drinkin' so I guess it's just old age kicking in.  ;D

In NYS it is not just baiting that is illegal, but feeding deer as well. So the 30 day thing wouldn't make sense. However, I have read posts on other forums that talk about restrictions in other states that have that 30 day rule. That is probably where you heard it.


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Well I found the passage I was thinking of.  It is regarding waterfowl hunting under the "Prohibitions" header.  At least I'm not (that) crazy.  ;)


"By using bait to attract waterfowl. A "baited area" is considered to be baited for 10 days after any bait is actually removed. Even if you did not place the bait, you may still be ticketed if you hunt in a baited area."

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I have never used any attractants for anything in three years with trail cams. For one it is illegal. And another thing attracting deer off their normal routine or travel is not doing me a damn bit of good as far as hunting them. Because well its illegal to use edible attractants to hunt deer in ny. So therefore if I want a chance at taking one of those good bucks during the season.Its best to know his potential travel corridors. But it is being done quite a bit in ny and pa,can tell ya that much. And to be honest could care less. If someone gets self satisfaction on taking deer that way ,all to em. Now if baiting were legal, I would be in the same boat. Could care less. I have friends and relatives who live in states where it is legal to bait deer,hogs,and bear. Hogs and bear I see the need to bait them in some areas. Deer in canada and some remote wildernesses have to be baited or you will never see or get them. But in most states there are plenty of food sources to pattern deer. Food plots always pop into baiting no matter what. But what benefits deer more? A constant food source or a bag of acorn rage or c'mere deer. That debate will go on forever. In my opinion if your foodplots are perennial or are to be maintained every year to help wildlife. There's a big difference. How many guys are gonna spend thousands of dollars on bags of attractants in the off season or throughout the year to help their deer? And how many other animals truly benefit from deer attractants. One you are changing the landscape or beautifying it. The other you are dumping it in a pile and it is a short term fix for deer.      The question on how to draw deer into a camera. Good ol fashion scouting. The cameras are there to see what you are scouting. I find areas in open hardwoods where there are tracks,acorns,browse. The reason why the deer are there is the key. I clear spots on trails come back a day or so later and look for tracks. If I find fresh tracks a camera goes up. Trails leading to a food source(agriculture),the trails that are most worn or have tracks goin both ways. This year has actually been the worst out of 3 as far as pics go. The deer have been on random patterns in some areas. The neighbors are logging their property and has the deer travel mixed up to say the least.And many of the corn fields are still standing near us. The deer are using them for cover too. Last year I got some very nice bucks on trail cam. This year some are still there just no pics. No biggie though. Nice to share pics with everyone. But I'm hunting them and not concerned over lack of pics. Good luck with your cameras. Look for rublines now and scrapes getting hit now ,they should show up at some point.??

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