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Planting BUCKWHEAT? For a Food plot.

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I would also have to say cereal rye as well... we are not to far from a frost and I would say buckwheat will not mature before the 1st frost.  Rye can take the frost/freeze long as the seed has germenated the deer will eat it well into the winter/early spring.  If you would get buckwheat to germinate and mature the 1st freeze/frost would kill it and be no value to your food plot.

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Rye can germinate down to 36 degrees F and grows relatively quickly - you would be better off planting something like this.  Buckwheat is generally treated as a cover crop in the spring/summer months to improve soil conditions.

Also, in terms of attractiveness of cereal grains they are as follows : Oats, Winter Wheat, Winter Rye.  Oats are not winter hardy at all and they increase in frost tolerance down the line with Rye being the most.  On the flip side, Oats are the sweetest and are considered candy to deer.

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