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Here lies Larry's lies


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WOW crazy morning. By 7;30 I saw between 17 and 20 deer. Bucks chasing does all over from each direction. bucks running and grunting open fields as i walked in, jumped 'em in woods, buttons to 2 1/2's under my stand . Never saw so many so fast .

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Yesterday morning waiting for Joe to pick me up pulled back my bow for some reason... release was on string ! It slid down under cam on let down went between cam and cable, cable came off cam. No morning hunt for me !

24 years of keeping it on cables.

Joe sat in stand had bucks coming into grunt calls right and left,biggest was a borded line 9pt,which he passed. I had 3 doe walk up to truck as I waited for local bow shop to open.

Ten deer seen in morning hunt/truck sit. Bow fixed for 5 bucks.

Afternoon hunt on Joes new land in Wayne county. I saw one nice buck to far.

Something needs to go down in a couple hours here .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry kinda let this go by the wayside... Bow was weird,few does a good number of shooter bucks,none I could connect on.

Now last Thur, of bow I saw a slob of a buck in a small 14 acre corn field.

Opening day afternoon there he was again for over an hour with a doe, never came closer then 150 plus yards.

Sunday afternoon I went to set up on him and jumped him from his bed in a hedgerow,15 feet away...he ran out otherside right into corn.

Opening day I set my daughter up in that hedgerow too. first light nice buck,he looks hard at her (on ground) she fires he runs or the other way around,clean miss.

I saw nothing I wanted to put a tag on.

Sat all day today,3 differant stands,got down out of 2nd stand at 3:00 to move to last stand,taking a wizz I hear a snap, a doe is coming she runs int green field stops broadside.Bang. Meat.

Gutted her went to last stand saw zippo. Farmer sends me pic of a 20 inche wide slob he just pushed out of corn while cutting itnright behind my spot...He got with in 40 yards of it 2x's in corn.

Brought doe to Uncle Charlie for processing. " Larry where the heck you been?" Weird season.

Holy crap A LOT of BIG bucks there and a table of big racks.

He said he's getting killed with big bodied and racked bucks, never had a year like this .

I hope to add to that.

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They finished the corn around me, less then 100 acres to go in other spots. They pushed out a few small bucks and one wide 8pt,he we could not get a shot at....

getting some rest today and running errons getting things done that need to get done.

Still off to next fri. so I'll hit it hard.Going to shoot my ML on my range Mon. Now that all the corn is down may sit with that on the fields.

Thought it was going to be 20 degrees all day today,got up its 34 ?

Time to wash the hunting clothes wipe down the gun and get ready for round 337it seems

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow been awhile... lots of get togathers and xmas party stuff going on ,been out a bit though. drove parts of the farm awhile back, pushed out plenty of deer on each drive,stacked up some doe,filled some dmaps, I missed a buck... its big buck only on the farm , so that hurt.This was a mile and a half or so from my "spot" so its still quite there,I hope.

Got meat but no bucks,passed a young 8pt that came out last Monday night at 4:00 , being under the farms big buck rules and all. They have had the rule for years, I only have been placed under it for 4 years, 2 years i scored and 1 year I popped a young buck on another property,looks slim for this year though .

Good news is lots of corn on the ground where they cut it, so I'm hoping for late ML when maybe one nice buck will stick his nose out a little to early wish we'd get some cold temps.

This has got to be the cleanest hunting season on record, no mud, cloths clean, car clean, gun room clean.

Time to get some more blood on my boots !

we'll see what tue. brings

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wow never hunted so much this late, not seeing much.Read a lot about needing to change late season tactics,after 24 years on same spot wish I knew what to change to...

I hunt an island, hardwoods and brush, surounded by 100's of acres of crops. Now crops all gone, most fields turned to deep mud furrows. Nothing out in or crossing those, nothing moving in the "island".

I believe they move a bit to where there is food, and near the houses along the roads. Most houses have a couple acres with some brush and or pines that I know a lot of deer hang out in during gun season .

Reminds me of Ed a guy on the job years ago, he was avery good hunter, he always said joking I think...

"Once gun starts ya gotta hunt behind the houses"

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Hopped on stand 3:00 or so,inside corner but on edge of cut corn field. So while watching the woods i turn to look into corn field,NOISE crap I just got busted I think.

Yup 2 doe right behind me in corner of field 20 yards, they run a bit stop look back,I raise ML a third deer starts to run that I did not see..but its a flathead as well.

They stop at edge of thick brush,I let them walk. Its time to get down,if I shoot one she's going into thick brush, I gotta find her,gut her and drag it a good 1/2 mile and We leave for a party as soon as i get home which is now....

Not worth it for a doe I'll give away, I got shrimp to eat and beer to drink !

Edited by Larry302
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back from party,I'm old time for bed. Ya I think I LL hunt Monday Pm,tue. looks very windy who knows.This could be like those TV shows "its the last hour of the last day here in NY...."

Really want to see a buck I can shoot size wise , but at this point may just whack a doe for my buddy,something I should have done way back.

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Well today is the 1st anniversary of my Dads passing. I did not get out in ML last year or the end of SG because all my freetime was spent sitting in Roch. General Hospital .

He was a WW II vet. but they sent him home early, first 2 half brothers were killed, then in one week his Uncle and Brother were both killed. After that I guess the Army felt his family paid with enough life and he came home,what was left of it....

He was a deer hunter, but it was a differant era. He had an Remington mod. 11 with a bird barrel that did the job on ducks and deer. All his "gear" could fit in my coat pocket, a fixed blade knife,compass, big silver Zippo type hand warmer and a lenght of cord.

That was it fellas, no gps,tree stands, calls,scents, range finders,scopes, google earth photos , headlamps ,headnets, head aches of not killing a deer either , it was a fun time with friends not an obsession or competition that seems to have taken hold of many today ,3 guys to one party permit, not 3 permits to one guy .

Tomorrow on my last hunt, I think I'll wear his Dog Tags, and leave my pack of crap home.

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and so it ends... One thing I've learned is don't do a journal , one of my slowest seasons ! i got meat, seen some great bucks, just could not connect on one. Well i look at seasons like baseball innings.my next at bat will be soon !

nice thing is having the dozer on my spot clearing what needs to be cleared,making new spots where the deer hide.Moving most of my stands,spreading them out, taking advantage of the fact that I approach from the east. Lots of mowing and knocking things down to do.

Time to hit my range, camp out in my hut,enjoy the holidays, hit the gym hard again and maybe try to kill some song dogs.

Never stopped drinking whiskey and smoking cigars...

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