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Some recent pics


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That 6pt(?) looks like it has a little mass at the base of his antlers, maybe a 3 1/2 year old.

Are you thinking he may look decent when his neck is 2x its' size & he walks under your stand?

Have photos of one very similiar on my property. Big bodied, tall rack, 6 pt.

Did you steal him? :P

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I take the pics on a friend's property in Walworth . The problem is .... his son , daughter in law and daurhter's boyfriend hun back there . With all those folks going through , they kinda stink up the area . My friend walked out in the area on Sept 21 and I havn't gotten any pics in two days .

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Out around Atlantic Ave and Lincoln rd . It's a small property and too many people are on it . There are at least 3 other folks that hunt it plus a neighbor who tresspasses on the property . I might end up pulling my stand out of there but I don't want to upset my friend .

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