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new bow...


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holder....I went to Big Lots and they had short hanging basket poles..most were the ones you press into the ground..which I'll pick up another time for my archery range...but one stood on it's own..Well I thought wouldn't that work in a ground blind...on frozen ground..or rocky for that matter...or in a blind on a platform...had 20% off so I bought it...hey a little over 11.00 if it didn't work...I'd still have a plant hanger...I had the cross bow out so tried that...it's a lot heavier than my compound....

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Nice! I would cut the hook down a bit so you won't have to lift it too high to get it off of the hook and I would put a piece of thin pipe insulation or wrap the hook with rubberized handlebar cycling tape over the hook area so it won't make noise when you go to grab your bow. Overall, great idea. I may just have to borrow your idea. . . .

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