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Moultrie almost...

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Got a real trashing by me...good thing I have some patients left...Put new batteries in the D55ir...the LED was blank...so could not do any thing with it...... the red light was just barely flickering...had the correct SD card in ..WTH??...Got on line spent 30min. trying to find a solution...to no avail....Then thought well I'll hook it up to the computer and see if anything shows up there...Bingo!..It jump started the system and the displays came back on...now I have to see if the triggers all work out side..

So if your cam goes in to sleep mode or you can't get the LED display to come on hook up your USB cord ...If you get a USB Mode display ...your cam may have reset it's self

Edited by growalot
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Yes...at this point I have so many of the darn things hang on a peg near the pc I have no idea which goes to what and just grab one...lol

When you don't have a LED screen you can't use the darn thing...lots of suggestions were..."send it back...if under 12mos old"...Well that doesn't work for me...Also if the LED is blank "It's shot"

I'm looking to buy a new cam with a better shutter speed...afraid to get the new "blk out" yet because I'm not sure they have the bugs ironed out of the new technology as of yet.....I have two decoy Stealth cams...that companies a waste.....but still had better customer service than Moultrie and have two older flash Moultries that worked half the time and battery life stunk!!!

Not sure which company to try next but I will be in the 2-3 hundred dollar range...Gander Mnt is now allowing us up to 1yr on reward certificates....also ...Thanks to a very nice fellow hunter....if you take and use your certificates to Buy something...you can return the item and get a gift card in return...they have unlimited time on them.

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i had my cam freeze up (once) but it was cause i yanked the card but left the cam on then it kept sayin the card was locked... i switched it to veiw and put the card in and back to camera mode and it worked fine.... im not sure why it did it that once...

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