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so whats for easter dinner?

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This holiday its my sister inlaws turn to host dinner. shes a good cook but decided on ham. now im not a big ham fan, really i cant stand it. so i was informed i was to make an alternitive meat dish. so here is what i came up with actually 2.


beef brisket in the smoker. put  a southwestern rub on it. nice bitty flavor.


the second is 1/2 a turkey. i used a garlic rub on it. while sitting here watching sap boil i though hey why not a sweet and spicy injection on it? so i took some 35% sugar content sap, stuck 2 jalopena peppers in the blender, added both to a stick of butter in a pan, cooked it down til it was syrup, staind it, the injected it into the bird. this stuff was out of this world good. sweet and spicy. tomarrow ill through it the smoke as well. cant wait to try it!



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I always do a ham (which Im not all that crazy about either) and a sauce dish. Last year it was ham and a lasagna this year its a ham and a tray of baked ziti & meat balls. My wife doesn't get why we need  both, but she's French Canadian & Irish....Go figure. Most of the left overs will be ham..

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Ham it is and I love ham . My wife bought 1/2 a pig from a farm in Walworth . There will only be 15 of us at our house for Easter dinner . My oldest son and family took the kids to Disney Land and a few others can't make it . We are going to 8:30 mass and then take my youngest son to brunch at a local diner .

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Ham.... I love ham... It is also great for leftovers, i. e. ham sandwiches, scalloped potatos and ham, bean soup with the bone, etc. etc..

However, I am envious of one of my good buddies, whose sister is doing a LEG OF LAMB for Easter Dinner...

Now THAT is livin' LARGE....<<DROOL>>...

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