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moved cam


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Just the other day...pretty close to the house on a trail that had WR but they destroyed it....just finished off what few seed heads that were there...any how it looks down a trail that leads to a koi pond water station behind the cam...wow two days 120 pics ..there's succra seed still lush..just mowed it growing around the water pond.......couple of pics I liked and in the first...do you see it? I almost didn't lol...


Before you say any thing...one would think to look this would not hold any deer...they are in here on and off all day and come season big buck are in here...just a couple of hundred yards from the house and dogs kennel...Here's the secret looking at pic...ag field 150 ft to the rt...water...planted trail and to the lft ...200ft is a logged ..I mean bomb went off type of logged neighbors property ...late summer I'll plant that trail in WR clover and braccs...Ohh we have lots and lots of beech and hophorn and these deer love them...

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What a disappointment...I was very surprised that they were using this area quite so much....but it explains the koi pond being low even with all the rain...We have not seen one deer in the new oat clover fields next door...I even scanned it with my head lamp and no eyes after dark...hhmmm???...

Any how did you see every thing in the first pic...Hint so close I missed it the first two times I looked...LOL

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