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A doe always drops twins in the woods behind my house every year. Of course, we don't know if it's the same individual from year to year, but there is always a doe with twins so we say that's the case.


Curiously, when we are outside with our chickens, the deer will approach quite closely. I suspect that they use the chickens as indicators of risk-- deer do this with wild turkeys. It makes sense... a turkey can see forever, and a deer can scent (and hear) forever. I think that the deer use the chickens in this way as well, and as we pose no threat to the chickens, we are little threat to the deer. This is only a theory but I have noticed that even though the deer don't react at all to our voices and scent, if a neighbor drives by or steps outside, they spook.


Regardless of theories, the doe always brings her fawns quite close, for whatever reason. We always just sit quietly and enjoy.


They come quite close. This is full frame-- not cropped.





The twins, together.


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