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Got 'em on trail cam

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I posted this picture post-959-13764142441594_thumb.jpg not to long ago and told you guys that I decided to name these bucks George and Ralphy. Well I took those pics in the evening, but that same morning I had went out in the rain to cover my tracks and put a camera on the field I ha originally found these bucks in. Well I pulled the card today and got pics of both bucks but only the pics of George came out the clearest.post-959-13764143791242_thumb.jpgpost-959-13764143886586_thumb.jpgpost-959-13764143973638_thumb.jpgpost-959-13764144075164_thumb.jpgpost-959-13764144190362_thumb.jpg

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Something has changed Phade, I drive by every now and then around prime time in the evenings and havent caught them out feeding in a while, I also have gone back to the secluded field I took the pics from and did not find them their either, although it was warm that night. Maybe the warm weather in general has kept them hunkered down. They are living on a small hill above a pond that is thick with overgrown grass and pucker brush, but it's very close to a busy road and several houses. Im sure not the only one who knows of them, so maybe road hunters have made them edgy. I personally am not the reason their pattern has changed, I know that without a doubt.

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