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Favorite Goose Recipe


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Anyone who hunts geese know how hard it can be to keep the meet dry and tender.  The only way I have found to do this and the only way I like it is super simple!


Crockpot on high for 6 hours fully submerged

Take it out, pull it apart with two forks or your hands like you would for pulled pork

Load it up with your favorite BBQ sauce (mine is Dinosaur BBQ Sensational Slather) and ENJOY!!!!


This really is so simple and delicious its not even funny! Try it and your will NOT be disappointed I promise!

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Sounds good, but submerged.....in what?


We soak the breast steaks overnight in tomato juice....Then slice them very thin on a slight bias and flash fry in hot, hot butter....serve on good rolls with fried onions, peppers, mushrooms......Delicious!

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Two easy ones.

First, chunk it up and wrap it in bacon. Bake or grill, done.

Second and my favorite, grind it up adding a little bit of pork fat. Add breakfast sausage seasoning and crushed garlic. BAM, you have the best breakfast pan sausage you can find.

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