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Anyone wanna team up for a duckhunt at Hubbard?


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Hey guys I am 30 years old and I am planning on going on my first duck hunt at hubbard county park on long island.  I just visited it over the weekend and I was wondering if there are any old timers out there that wouldn't mind showing a new hunter the ropes at hubbard?  If so feel free to pm me so I can pick your brain! Thanks again guys have a good one!

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I am also looking to get into waterfowl hunting. If you want we can learn together. The guy who is supposed to be showing me the ropes has been busy so I do not know when he will get around to it. I have always gone upstate to hunt small and big game but just moved to Suffolk County and want to take advantage of the hunting seasons out here. PM me if your interested. We'll talk and set a meet and figure out some hunting plans.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just remember to hunt there you have to go into the daily drawing which I believe is only on Sat/Sun where as Southaven is Wed and Sat/Sun. If you go to Hubbards and don't have decoys they will supply you with a bag of dekes to use. There's 2 good blinds people favor there and the rest or decent at best

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You just show up in the morning of the hunt and your name goes into the basket. Make sure you have a green key card with you as I heard the last few years they been making sure you have one. Its a really nice place to hunt. PM me if you'd like to know which blind to take

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