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Duck hunting ethics

Shadd Rapp

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Got a question for all waterfowl hunters out there.  If you go onto public land to a spot and other hunters are already there and have their decoys set up, would you still stay and take passing shots at the ducks that are working into their decoy spread?  That just happened to me and my buddy this morning...UNREAL!!  They set up 20 yrds from us!!!

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Unless they invited me to sit in. Not in a million years, public or private. if it is a big a$$ swamp or pond,I'd set up elsewhere and well away from them,if it is the only place I have to hunt that is. if i have another place ,see ya. Sorry to hear that happened. Some people honestly could give two s#!ts. And some people honestly think it is public land and they have a right to hunt there too.And throw common decency to the wind. Hope you have another place to hunt for back up?

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Thats pretty unsportsmen like whether it is a big swamp or not.  I dont duck hunt but always wanted to get into it.  Anyways the same thing will happen to me when I'm out fishing somewhere.  You will pick a spot along a river and someone will come right next to and start fishing.  I mean this is a little different because there not really stealing my fish like those guys were your ducks.  But I like to be left alone when I'm out there. 

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That's nothing...try hunting the south shore of L.I...

I have had guys come out after first light and set up within 100 yards of me during the best time of the morning, because they were afraid of the dark...

I have had guys shoot thier guns every time I had birds working my rig, to spook them away...

I have watched guys pounding away at Brant when the season was closed..

I have had guys set up directly in front of me in the dark, even though I flashed my light at them to let them know I was there, and they flashed back to acknowledge...and then set up 40 yards in front of me anyway.

I have seen quite a few guys shoot more than one Black duck per day..

I have seen my share of bozos pass shooting at birds that were way out of range, and then get into squabbling matches with other hunters about who shot what....

Common decency and respect for others has sadly gone by the wayside.


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