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Shoulder troubles


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We had another post similar to this discussing issues with being a bowman/woman...  Archery puts some strain on your body, working out and staying in shape eases that stress.


We tend to want the fastest bow possible and that usually means a heavy draw.  I had a injury this year similar in issue with different problems.  After shooting for about a month in March-April I developed a pain in my left neck/shoulder area and stopped shooting thinking I just shot too much.  Well 3 months later I am still in pain and see a specialist.  Eventually with MRI we find a herniation in the 5-6th resulting in a bulging disk...  (Injury from 1985)


Pain and numbness in arm, tingling in fingers and pain when hanging arm.  (I debated a sling it got so bad...) 


The other reason I post this is because I am in IT.  The Doc stressed this point...  Sitting position and spine alignment when sitting and working affect you!  (As I try to sit up straight.) Desk/keyboard and mouse set up should be natural, straight with head up, no putting your feet up it equals bad alignment.  Excessive use of computer gives me shoulder tension...  Now I take brakes and try to stretch out my neck, back and legs.


If you work for 8 hours sitting on a computer and then go home and do another 5 hours you had better be comfortable.  Anytime I had issues with my shoulder/neck if I did ANY work above my head I would be in pain the next few day to a week when the issue was present.  Persistent working with a computer was the same results, my neck and shoulders would have pain from over stress of RMS.  It is as simple as that, the more you do the same thing without working out the easer it is to stress it out. 


After going through treatment including a mild steroid, physical therapy, chiropractor and the knowledge of the issue I was able to work past it.  Remember the healing is very important!  Would you rather shoot one more deer this weekend or be able to bow hunt 20 more years?  Rest that area good!!!  Don't risk injuring it more by using the bow, deer will always be their and you can still have a great season if you rest then rebuild the muscle area. 


Now I do some work outs, jumping jacks, push ups, cardio and I find doing the other things like work around the house, shooting the bow and rifle do not bother me unless I just do the computer or bow alone.  I had some problems with broad head tuning and shot many arrows this weekend.  Happy I have the bow set up good, unhappy I shot so much I am stressed out. 


I am now wise enough to listen to my body and rest it when it complains...  Good luck Irish_Redneck hope everything works out.

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Just flung 12 arrows, minimal pain. Yay!

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nice man!  SLOWLY increase the number of arrows and times you shoot, don't be afraid to ice it down after as you are placing stress on it which can kick start some new inflammation, as long as it doesn't worsen or still bother you the next day, hit dem bullzeyes... 

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So... anyone have any ideas on strengthening exercises ... I think as I said in the previous post that in both cases I may have raised my elbow when drawing..

Not certain but think so.

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Could be a labrum tear too. Tore mine two summers ago and could hardly draw my bow. After having surgery I'm back to 100%. Light weight exercieses work best, extensions and raises will do the trick. Getting a nice exercise band to keep your shoulder warm while in the stand is good too. You need very little movement to keep it from stiffening up on you.

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