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Dang ...he got a pass


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I decided to hit ole reliable stand and took a doe estrus drag with me...at 200 yrds from the stand I got it out and started walking...the winds were very mild and I heard deer moving away in the woods on either side of me but no running or hysterics ....settled in and listened to movement then the squirrels and crow wake up...This stand has a fake scrape I made and next to it one a buck made exactly at 7:32 legal time... out stepped a buck...he was 120 yrds out and hit the drag line...sniffed around in a circle and I let out a muffled grunt....he then put his nose down and walked straight for me...as he got closer I saw he was carrying a thick short tined 8pt rack in brown and toffee colors just to the tips of his ears...and his feet looked  too big for his legs.....


That is a first for me...he was a 1 1/2 old nice 8pt...around here they are usually spikes to 6pts. Well he got to the scrapes scent pad and reached up and sniffed then went to the real scrape and stretched out his body broad side to me as he hit the licking branch...28 yrds and he might as well said heres a great shot at my heart..I never lifted the bow...he backed up hit the scrape then urinated...turned toward me again...at 18-20 yards he presented me with a nice standing shot at his left side...still never lifted the bow.... then he  strolled on down to the swamp...leaving me there to ponder.....Did I just jinx my self...did I not say a good kill shot on a nice 8pt ,God willing?...and I turned it down...passing isn't the hard part ya know....it's living with it after.... ;)


But a 4 pt 13min later did the same thing then 100yrds out a buck (?) chased a doe a twins to the swamp and another young buck and 2 doe and 2 fawn came by...2 fox and lots of rodents....nice morning

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Breathe easy grow. I got a 1.5yr 8pt. At least I think he was 1.5, short snout and all, probably same sized rack as you described. I almost passed him up. First bow deer and a 8 pt at 30 yards or so I couldn't help it. Since then I have seen what would be my biggest buck 3 times now. Not within range but I feel I could dial in on him and get him. Today he was about 150 yards out hammering a 5 acre thicket about an hour before dark. Same place he was Wed AM. No binoculars and I could see horns and saplings swaying just fine. I am very happy I was able to get some food, and a first archery buck but part of me feels that if I waited for the big boy I could have had an extra 50 lbs in the freezer. Since I got him early in the season I didn't get to enjoy the thrill of the chase. I can get a doe but it just isn't the same as trying to zero in on the big one. You got time so breathe easy, the rut as we all know is a magical time.

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Always hard to let one walk. I was in my blind a week ago and had 6 does feeding right in front of me for 3 hours. The first doe showed up 5 mins after I got in the blind a hour before shooting light. The others came in right around shooting light and stayed for what seemed like forever. I drew back probably 5 different times. Never pulled the trigger. I know there's at least 2 decent bucks around so I'm after them first. After the does walked off I kept asking myself why didn't I shoot?? Lol. O well there's plenty of season left!

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I screwed up on a decent 8 this morning. He had short tines but a wide rack. He was walking down a run, from my right to my left. At one point I had a good 30yd. broad side shot, but I was sure he would stay on the run and give me a 15-20 yd. shot so I held off....He didn't stay on the run (of course). he kind of wandered off away from me and disappeared. He was the first real buck I've seen so far too. At least it got the blood pumping.

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Having that huge 10 point walk past me at 30 yrds this morning while I was walking a trail...not hunting...has eased my mind well a little...although......I'm a tad superstitious.....Ma nature saying.... see what you can't have....you whom past up a gift from me!!!.....I can't help it...what can I say, Irish ..that ole pay backs a b----...lol....

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