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New To NY Hunting - WMA basics


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Hi All!   I'm new to the NY hunting scene (up from GA) and was wondering if someone could please provide some basic knowledge.

I'm thinking of rifle hunting Pharsalia WMA or Tioughnioga WMA or even Black Creek Marsh.  I can't seem to get ahold

of anyone via the DEC phone numbers#$%!   Aside from having my Big Game license and a map of the areas,  is there

a specific place that you need to park to start your hunt or can you just park alongside the road and go from there?

I see that there is hiking and bird watching in some of these same WMAs,  are folks going to be walking through the woods

while there is rifle hunting going on???


Thanks in advance for any info.


Big Z



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gotta have a permit to enter DEP lands.


i just started hunting a few WMA's and some that i have went to have little pull in areas along the side of the road. others i have just pulled up along the side of the road. always display your permit.


not sure about t hose areas you will be heading to though

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You can pull over and park anywhere you don't block traffic in wildlife management areas. You very seldom will come across non hunters during hunting season. Most bird watchers, etc. have ample other places to go for those few weeks. If you do of course, just be naturally pleasant and cordial, and a bit more aware that they may not be comfortable around guns. They still have fair and equal access to the woods. Even the very rare times I have met nonhunters in the woods, it has always been on the access roads, never in the woods.

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