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I won some pigs


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post-3146-1385217007129_thumb.jpg the local firehall does a meat raffle every year normally the night before opening day. Was pushed this year. They raffled off the pigs but the guy who won sold them back. I bought 6 dollars work of tickets and won. My brother won them last year. Moms not happy
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Congrats on your piggies !


An old fellow who lived near here used to come into one of the local bars on Saturday night with a duck.


He would sell raffle tickets for the duck at $1 apiece..After he had sold around 20 tickets, he'd draw the number.


After that he would offer the winner $10 to buy the duck back...The winner, looking at having turned his $1  into $10, would usually sell the duck back to the guy who had raffled it.


After that, the guy had $10 to drink on ( you could buy a draft beer for 15 cents) and he still had the duck to bring back and raffle off again next week.

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I'm trying to get rid of the pigs. Anyone in western New York have a farm and want two pigs let me know


What part of WNY? There's a farm in Great Valley that pastures pigs; table-bound pigs couldn't ask for a better life.

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I'm 35 minutes from great valley


I don't know them personally at all so use your best judgement, but I have purchased meat from them before. Seemed like good folks that cared for their livestock. They are Wild Acres Family Farm, 5963 Rought 98 in Great Valley.... if you don't have any luck elsewhere. 716-945-4649

I dunno if they would take them but maybe they can give you a lead.

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