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Youth Corrections Facilities are hiring


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NYS OCFS (Office of Children and Family Services)

57081 State Hwy 10

South Kortright, NY 13842


607-538-9121 x1623


This facility is in Delaware County.  Pay starts at $40,000 for staff positions, but there are other higher pay grade positions that pay more.  There is lots of overtime, (some is mandated overtime) great benefits and pension plan, all training providing.  With overtime, many first year staff earn above $60,000.  I believe some college is required.  Age is not a barrier to hiring if you are at least 21 and under 60.  It's a corrections position working with criminal youth under 18 years of age.


Call for info and an application.  (Other OCFS facilities throughout NY State also have openings.)




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NYS OCFS (Office of Children and Family Services)

57081 State Hwy 10

South Kortright, NY 13842


607-538-9121 x1623


This facility is in Delaware County.  Pay starts at $40,000 for staff positions, but there are other higher pay grade positions that pay more.  There is lots of overtime, (some is mandated overtime) great benefits and pension plan, all training providing.  With overtime, many first year staff earn above $60,000.  I believe some college is required.  Age is not a barrier to hiring if you are at least 21 and under 60.  It's a corrections position working with criminal youth under 18 years of age.


Call for info and an application.  (Other OCFS facilities throughout NY State also have openings.)

I interviewed at Brookwood Secure Center , Claverack NY about 3 years ago for a Maintenance  Mechanic's position - I didn't get the job . The individual that did was carried out on a stretcher about 6 months later - 3 of the occupants beat him to a pulp ! Glad I didn't get the job !!!

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BTW the Brookwood Secure Facility is a SECURE facility.  The worst of the worst are there and there have been a lot of assaults on staff.  The other facilities are Limited Secure and not as bad.



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