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Mature Does?

Cabin Fever

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I've logged 78hrs in my stands so far and I've only seen 1 mature doe!!! And she was being chased by the buck that I shot, so I sure as hell couldn't shoot her! I'm at a loss wondering if they've just been laying low hiding from the bucks or what's going on?? Makes it hard to fill doe tags! Considering my lack of doe sightings, it makes me wonder if I should shoot one if I do see one!?!?!

Anyone else NOT seeing mature does??

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i shot one on long island on columbus day.  Big mama around 90 lbs dressed.  Besides that i've been seeing the does but what concerns me is how few fawns ive been seeing up at my farm (4G).  Only one seen in person & one on the trail cam.  Lots of yotes where i am.

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On Nov 3 , I saw a total of 18 anterless deer , 3 bucks, 2 turkeys and 2 racoons in 7.7 hours of sitting . In the last two outings , I have seen 1 buck in a total of 8.7 hours of sitting ! I don't hunt that area when it gets close to dark due to the terrain .

You want to see a lot of doe ? Drive through Mendon Ponds Park as it starts to get dark . The doe are laying low and feeding at night . The doe are out there but they have gone into "stealth mode" !

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