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Homeland Security

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How far out there are you ready to let the government extend its power and control over your personal lives in the name of Homeland Security? It seems that every time I hear that term Homeland Security, it relates to some new power of surveillance or detention, or changes to justice guarantees, or other shortcut around the Constitution that never existed before. Did 911 actually permanently change our system of government?


I am very happy that no significant terrorist successes have occurred on our soil since the implementation of homeland security policies, but it does occasionally cause me to wonder "at what cost". I'll be honest when I say that I have not really developed any firm conclusions on all of this because I can see a need for some pretty sophisticated abilities to short-circuit terrorists attempts (foreign or domestic). But I am still aware of that quote from Ben Franklin that seems to be aimed right at todays situations and circumstances, "They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".


So what do you all think? Where  do we draw the lines, and exactly who is really watchdogging and evaluating how far these rules are stretched and bent? It sure seems that the courts are not getting very involved in a lot of these rules changes that come to us cloaked under the term "Homeland Security". Is all this stuff a problem or not?


Lol .... Yes I know I am opening the door to the ranting of all the conspiracy theorists on the forum, but I do believe that there are some radical changes that perhaps need a bit of airing. Perhaps there is some middle ground between the Rambo-style mentality of let's tear it all down and the hell with the consequences vs. the Pollyanna, utopian views that see everything in this country as being just great.

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Homeland Security is not designed to protect average Americans.  It has been implemented to protect those in power.  The government knows it cannot stop another attack on the US, but it can claim it did everything it could to try and prevent it.  If it didn't, people would be calling for all of those in power to be removed from office, and that is unacceptable to elected officials.


As to the spying on American citizens, after 9/11 the government focused on foreigners, but it did so by violating the rights of average American citizens.  When those citizens objected, they became a threat to the powerful as well, so the weapons of mass surveillance were turn on them too.  Some elected officials are quick to label any protester a "domestic terrorist" as soon as they defy the government's abusive authority in any small way.  (Harry Reid)  Thus, opening them up to more invasion of their privacy and rights by the government.


Homeland Security is an instrument of government, designed to benefit government, at the cost of it's citizen's tax dollars and Liberty.  Desperate times require desperate measures.  Our government is well aware of the economic disaster looming on the horizon, as well as the threat of attack from afar.  When everything starts getting out of control and a collapse is imminent, it will become very clear to all Americans what Homeland Security was really implemented to accomplish.

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It's not about the toys. It's about the will to win. The Taliban have seen off every invader to date with battered and archaic weaponry.


They found that if they hide amongst woman and children that they can throw a punch and then hide behind their wives til the coast is clear .


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