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pre- Gun season scouting trail cam pics


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Hey you guys i am just posting up some of the bucks that i have caught on my trail camera and i just got back from my cabin and i was checking the pictures and i found a Buck that has weird fur it looks like its always wet and the antlers are in a spiral shape at the ends can any1 tell me what is wrong with this deer. here is my Facebook link with all the pictures that i have got of all animals bear and doe and coyotes and bucks http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=46274&id=100000172936342  8)  thanks.

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Ok, I have been playing with only two cameras, and only the past few months so you can factor that anemic level of experience into the credibility of my comments. However, I have noticed that when one buck shows up, several others start showing up about the same time. Also, I have gaps in excess of a week when no bucks show up (for no apparent reason). Also, I have a lot of single-visit bucks that just seem to pop in from nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Also I have a picture of a nice buck with just one  4-point antler (theoretically should have been an 8-point) that showed up one night. I believe it to be the same deer that my nephew shot part way up the hill on the other side of the valley, in excess of a 1/2 mile away. His description sounds like the same animal and when we have our family Thanksgiving get together, I will verify that.

My tentative conclusion is that this time of the year, bucks travel great distances and those that show up on trail-cams most likely will not be hanging around for hunting season. While they are nice to see, there probably is no reason to get too hopeful about seeing them again during hunting season.

This also makes me begin to wonder how many of these scrape lines, and clusters of rubs are simply one or two night stands that may or may not ever be re-visited in the future by the same buck that made them. I am seriously wondering if these bucks really have any special areas that they spend a whole lot of time at once the rut kicks in or whether they are simply running around from one cluster of does to another.

So, what do you all think? Any observations that back up or disagree with those observations and conclusions?


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what i found out is if you want to keep the bucks on your land you want to start planting some clover and putting out some c'mere deer thats stuff works amazingly great!!! but thats the way i manage my lad to keep the big ones coming back even the doe stick around so you will be seeing many generations of deer just last night be four sunset 3 bucks came out in to the field to eat one was an 8 and one was a 10 and one was a spike buck but i was going to shoot the 8 point because the 8 point was a new deer i have not seen before and the 10 point was only 2 years old and i wanted to wait till he was 5 so i was going to pull the trigger but something spooked them but about 5 minutes late 2 doe came along and i couldn't resist the offer so i got a doe last night i am hoping the wide 8 point will come back but thats the way i keep the bucks on my property

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