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I bought a patio tomato plant at the farmers market a few weeks back. 20 bucks. Its nice and big. at least 4' tall & almost as wide. Healthy looking. So far every tomato has been black/rotting  on the bottom 3rd, as soon as it gets to the size of a golf ball.

What the hell?? I planted tomatoes my whole life and have never seen this. Any ideas?? Should I sh..T can the whole plant? I just tossed 5 tomatoes over the fence in disgust. 

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Can you take it back (I would if it was somewhat convienient) and tell them to replace it or refund the cash?

If you don't go that route, you could always call your county co-operative extension for some info.

Or toss the whole thing in the round file and head to Wegmans. Grins....

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Your tomatoes have smut. Wet humid weather grows the fungus. Most common in cereral grains usually but garden plants can catch it. They turn black as the ace of spades. Spreads rapidly and is air born. Dryer weather will control the fungus. On the onset of infected fruit, get it off the plant.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Your tomatoes have smut. Wet humid weather grows the fungus. Most common in cereral grains usually but garden plants can catch it. They turn black as the ace of spades. Spreads rapidly and is air born. Dryer weather will control the fungus. On the onset of infected fruit, get it off the plant.

Thanks. I'll keep chucking the bad ones I guess. The plant itself is beautiful. Full and green. I bought it from Amish farmers. Some weeks they're at the market and some weeks not. They smutted me..

It has been wet and warm for a while. 



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