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Seriously 2pm and I have to turn on lights in house to see...another thunder boomer is overhead...My poor Angel is trying to climb into my lap and her fur is coming out by the fits full...These storms have turned her neurotic..........veggies coming along but now rotting in the moisture if not picked immediately..

What is up with the leafs turning already We have several maples and different bushes..blue berries included turning....Anyone else noticing this?

Edited by growalot
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Seriously 2pm and I have to turn on lights in house to see...another thunder boomer is overhead...My poor Angel is trying to climb into my lap and her fur is coming out by the fits full...These storms have turned her neurotic..........veggies coming along but now rotting in the moisture if not picked immediately..

What is up with the leafs turning already We have several maples and different bushes..blue berries included turning....Anyone else noticing this?

Assuming Angel is a dog and not a family member?! Try wrapping her up in a blanket or towel , should relieve a little anxiety . Vet can prescribe meds for this too. Our golden used to freak out around the 4th of July and had to dope him up. 

Definitely a good year for raised beds for the veggies. Spring came late and summer leaving early. Heard it's supposed to be a bad winter. Reverse Global Warming IMO

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At least we have a few hours of sun this morning. I'm thinking of getting more firewood cut and split. Eggplant crop is down. But on the other hand the snow peas keep coming. Notice some leaves changing but we always get some changing in August. Sorry its getting to you.

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