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Newly relocated to Cortland!

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We just moved to Cortland. Our family is from there, so I am pretty familiar with the town in general, but never previously lived there. Anyone recommend a safe but mellow shooting club nearby? My main thing is traditional black powder shooting, but also centerfire and some handgun. 

Also looking for recommendations for local waters for pan fish/pike fishing, that arent crazy busy to launch at.


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Funny but my brother just moved there sunday. He was from Long Island and has 3 college rentals there. Took over one of the smaller places for himself. He loves to fish maybe I can hook you guys up? Good luck!

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Pompey Rod & Gun Club isn't too far away - about 30 minutes to the North or so.  I'm only a couple miles away but didn't take advantage of this hidden gem until a couple of years ago.  I'm there pretty regularly now with my kids shooting pistols, muzzleloaders, rifles, etc.  They are planning to add a dedicated pistol range sometime this year, I believe.  $50/year for a family membership.

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