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Leaving my scent before the season

Short Track Hunter

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Not sure about "spreading" your scent all over the place.


The private land I hunt in the NZ, we also have a base tent camp set up on the land. I have mentioned this before, when we went to get a wood pile for camping the deer had used our camp as a bedding area last spring. There were a lot of poopy piles right where we usually dig a hole to do our business. In August when we got in for the first camp and I could do some scouting, we had a deer stand there looking at us on one of the trails, while we were on running four wheelers, the only thing that made the deer move was when my buddy got off his atv. Then, the deer bolted.

The next morning I had to run to the local store for ice and saw deer handing out right next to the main road on the way to the store, and on the way back. That afternoon we also saw deer while riding the trails.


I think over time, a lot of time, they do get used to some things. We ride the trails, his dad uses an atv to log the woods for firewood to heat the house. His dad also walks the land twice a day. So, I think are used to certain things.




But, I would not go roll around in the woods thinking it will help your odds.

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I hunt on state land, very deep in.  Me and another local guy are the only 2 people who venture in.  I got to know him over the years, and we help each other with the drag.  It's usually a hot spot.    This year, I see him walking out at 9am, and I wave to him and we BS a while.   Thought it was strange he was walking out so early.


Turns out, he only set up his tree stand 2 days before the season opener !!!   So he obviously scented up the area, made a racket setting up his stand, and killed the area.   He couldn't get off work, blah blah blah.    So I hunted somewhere else in the afternoon, only to see coyote sign.

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What if I really scent up an area for a full month(s) before the season. Then the deer will get used to it,& not be spooked out on opening day. Maybe ... possibly.........



I hunt on state land, very deep in.  Me and another local guy are the only 2 people who venture in.  I got to know him over the years, and we help each other with the drag.  It's usually a hot spot.    This year, I see him walking out at 9am, and I wave to him and we BS a while.   Thought it was strange he was walking out so early.


Turns out, he only set up his tree stand 2 days before the season opener !!!   So he obviously scented up the area, made a racket setting up his stand, and killed the area.   He couldn't get off work, blah blah blah.    So I hunted somewhere else in the afternoon, only to see coyote sign.


This makes no sense now........... Toss a chunk of Old Spice in your pocket and tear it up.

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This discussion is about two completely different scenarios, year round usage & deep woods unintruded hunting areas. I use my property March - September for recreation or work-details. The deer get acclimated to my scent and what they conceive (over time) as not being a danger.  Have even putted by bachelor groups of bucks and does w/fawns at 20-30yds while on my ATV. They never bolted, just watched me with concern. Areas that don't get much intrusion, then human scent is a danger alarm and may create an avoidance reaction. IMHO, to intentionally spread your scent in these "off the beaten path" areas probably would be counter-productive!

Edited by nyslowhand
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