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Establishing the "Pecking Order"


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26 minutes ago, airedale said:

Chickens, Pheasants, Quail, Turkeys etc all do it.

Brownsville Deer pantry had two flocks of Turkeys show up at the feeders and the battle was on!


They raised all kinds of hell. Even the deer got out of dodge.

I broke two up fighting Monday here, only to have them go into the brush after one another. One had a battle wound to his head.  It's that time of year 

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I had a small flock of Merriam's wild Turkeys years ago, one of the Toms turned into a brutal assassin. He learned how to fight as well as a Gamecock and he would and could break the neck of his opponents. He killed three of my other Toms along with a couple of my Roosters and I had enough of his crap and put him down.


Edited by airedale
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There has been a few times when I have noticed deer and turkeys hanging together. I often wondered if that was because they both kind of relate each other with finding acorns, and use each other to locate that food source. Do you suppose that they have formed some sort of symbiotic relationship based on food?

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1 hour ago, Doc said:

Do you suppose that they have formed some sort of symbiotic relationship based on food?

I believe that to be true, I have witnessed many times Turkeys and Deer hanging out with each other. The Buck I took last hunting season was walking along with a flock of Turkeys.


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