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Current Temperatures


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Does anybody think the current cold temps will cause bucks to shed their horns earlier than usual? i have found one shed so far and it doesn't look like it came off nicely...


I don't think one stimulus alone (aside from an injury) will play much of a role determining when antlers start to drop.

While I believe weather plays a part in it, there are many other variables that need to be taken into consideration for any given area.... and then it still sometimes seems random or specific to individual bucks shedding habits even under the worst, or best conditions.

One things for sure is sometime between December and April they will all hit the ground!

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Back in 1985-86 I was renting a house on Campbell Blvd in North Amherst and was amazed to see bucks still carrying their head gear in mid March.  Lots of bucks and BIG too!  After that it seemed like they started to drop pretty quick.



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Latest I have ever seen is April as I recall ..huge buck in Rush standing there in a pasture surrounded by trees leafing out and wild flowers blooming ...I hit the breaks and backed up to make sure I wasn't seeing things...rather pretty sight standing there looking around like the world was his and his alone...

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