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4 NY Counties Looking At Secession From NY State

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Been there, done that.  There is no large amount of scarred earth in fracking.  I've seen scarred earth, mountain tops removed and open pit mines in West Virginia.  That's a whole different thing.  Besides, many have been successfully reclaimed and hunting in those meadows today is great.


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  On 3/1/2015 at 9:06 PM, Mr VJP said:

Sounds like he is objecting to the water tower by jumping on the band wagon about unproven consequences of fracking.  He couldn't win the case if he just admitted he doesn't want to see the tower from his home's view.


So are you saying that he can win in court with unproven consequences? What's up with that? How could he win if there are no consequences that can be proven in court? 


  On 3/1/2015 at 9:23 PM, scolopaxmatt said:

Unproven consequences?  Seriously?



Unproven consequences is a term used by conservatives to describe any scientific data that might negatively impact the profit margins of the fossil fuel industry.


  On 3/1/2015 at 9:30 PM, Mr VJP said:

Yeah, the water tower.  That's all he s worried about.


Sounds like he's about to get a request to resign from the Board of Directors soon anyway.


Yeah, the water tower, that's the thicket, water tower, yeah.


  On 3/1/2015 at 9:35 PM, Mr VJP said:

Been there, done that.  There is no large amount of scarred earth in fracking.  I've seen scarred earth, mountain tops removed and open pit mines in West Virginia.  That's a whole different thing.  Besides, many have been successfully reclaimed and hunting in those meadows today is great.


Sound like you have a lot of 1st hand knowledge about fracking. How much $$$ do you have invested in carbon based energy? Or perhaps your livelihood depends on that same industry?

Edited by wildcat junkie
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The lawsuit is about his property value being affected by "PERCEIVED" consequences of fracking.  The definition of that word means unproven.


My support for fracking has to do with the economy and jobs.  That's the same motive for these NY areas wanting to become part of PA.


Your fears have nothing to do with facts.


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  On 3/1/2015 at 10:14 PM, Mr VJP said:

The lawsuit is about his property value being affected by "PERCEIVED" consequences of fracking.  The definition of that word means unproven.


My support for fracking has to do with the economy and jobs.  That's the same motive for these NY areas wanting to become part of PA.


Your fears have nothing to do with facts.

I have already stated that it is concern for the property values of those not profiting from the fracking that live in the immediate area of fracking wells. So quite trying to deflect the point W/your PERCEIVED fear factor..


So let's see if I understand what your "PERCEIVED consequences" means as it pertains to property value impact. PERCEIVED would mean it may or may not be true correct? So lets just leave the word "unproven" out of the equation as it seems that you are asserting that the (reduced property value) consequences are REAL due to the PERCEPTION that there may be other consequences.


So that being said, the consequences of reduced property values are real by your own words.


So now we have people that are adversely (financially) affected by fracking. Wouldn't it be fair to say that those adversely (financially) affected people that reside in the immediate area in all likelihood would be greater in number than those that benefit from the fracking leases?


As far as employment, most of the employees of the fracking companies aren't from the immediate area anyway. The work is transient in nature, as once the wells are up & producing, most of the workers move W/the work to the next drilling site. My next door neighbor's son is working in West Virginia now after completing the jobs in South West Pennsylvania.


So your concerns for employment & the economy as they apply to the populous in the immediate area of fracking boils down to is, the profits of the few outweigh the rights of the many. That sounds like some sort of socialized risk to me.


Sounds a lot like the Keystone XL boondoggle doesn't it?

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Sounds to me like you've swallowed the propaganda completely.


It's like personal injury lawsuits.  Remember John Edwards, the one who ran as a VP candidate?  Made a fortune in medical malpractice.  Trouble was, it was later determined his entire case wasn't based on any medical science at the time and was only proven false after the lawsuits were paid.  It was the perception of medical malpractice the juries bought.  Put a lot of practices out of business and drove medical insurance rates through the roof too.  His reputation only got better after that too.  A real gem he was.


There was also once a time in America when your property value could go down if the wrong people bought the house next to yours.  The drop in value was also real, but it was based on a perceived situation also.  The proof of the value dropping was only related to the fear, perpetrated by those who were adamantly against integration, nothing more.


It's an old tactic.  It is easy to create enough fear to cause real damage to people's assets without any proof there is really anything to fear at all.  But it works very well for the side that wishes to put a stop to something they don't want to see, like fracking.


As far as the economics of the situation go, I'll refer you to the Chambers of Commerce in PA for the details.  I'm sure they will be happy to tell you how happy they are with fracking in their state.


As far as secession goes.  I would love to see these NY State areas become part of PA.  It would be a sharp stick up the anus of the most tyrannical Governor NY has ever seen.



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  On 3/2/2015 at 2:45 AM, Mr VJP said:

Sounds to me like you've swallowed the propaganda completely.



Well, that's the problem, I haven't swallowed your propaganda.


As far as Cuomo goes, he's done. He won't even get the Democrat nomination the next time as he is nothing but a conservative in Democrat disguise that happens to be a gun grabber.

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