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It only took 8 years

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But I finally got the original section of the upper field planted in alfalfa and clover...I have been liming and planting other things while trying to get the crazy amount of rocks under control....last years soybeans really made the soil turn out nice. I added one more bag of lime and 50#'s of 10-20-20 then dragged it to a semi firm bed....I walked the alfalfa clover mix over it and there's a 43 % chance of rain...in the mean time the dew will continue to keep the soil surface moist...it tends to hold a nice amount of moister even though the ground slopes...I hope it grows as well as the area I planted last week that was clover-alfalfa...that is flatter and in a draining area for the front part of the field which I hope to get turnips and I'm not sure what else...The screening I wanted just isn't going to happen it still has standing water....Now if I can only get that lower field even partially done I have Max-attract to plant.


I may give up on the corn screen filler behind the pines and transplant several plum trees down there in the bare spots ...The fence I have grape vines planted and will continue to add more each year......That way I can plant a hay type seed mix along the pines to act as cover and bedding for deer and birds. with the chestnut and fruit trees added to the well producing red oaks I really need to keep the road side view to the field covered...it's on the edge of that they poached a buck a few years ago.

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To be honest...it's the fact I have smooth field now That I care about...I have been absolutely obsessed about getting the land smooth.These were farm fields he let go back to woods...but one son brushed a small area on each lot near the road...Well the farmer plowed the land before leaving it....the entire thing was a washboard...just horrible to even brush hog. Each year I disced and dragged, 4 times the rocks appeared the following spring...If this takes...just have to mow 2x' s a year for the next 4-5 if I'm lucky...Aahhhhhhhhh

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moisture... :rolleyes:...speaking of which...yesterday said 20% chance of rain...farmers had been cutting hay on Monday....poured from 6pm (nasty thunderstorm) -8pm and rained most of the night and just stopped. Really??? today 20% chance of rain :rolleyes:

Edited by growalot
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moisture... :rolleyes:...speaking of which...yesterday said 20% chance of rain...farmers had been cutting hay on Monday....poured from 6pm (nasty thunderstorm) -8pm and rained most of the night and just stopped. Really??? today 20% chance of rain :rolleyes:

Yup, put in 700 acres of hay the last couple nice hot days and dropped another 400 thinking just a slight chance....Yup puddles in the driveway again!

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