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Many folks just go along with blinders on, completely unaware of what's happening around them.  When the trap closes, they are surprised to find they were in danger to begin with.  Such is the case for NY hunters.  They don't pay much attention to threats from politicians, and don't know how to fight the threats, before the exist or after.  That is the case with the SAFE Act.


That's why they don't want to see any posts that may be of importance to them.  They prefer to believe nothing is happening and everything is a conspiracy theory.


All I can say is, enjoy your political oppression.  It's going to be vast and long lived.


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Many folks just go along with blinders on, completely unaware of what's happening around them. When the trap closes, they are surprised to find they were in danger to begin with. Such is the case for NY hunters. They don't pay much attention to threats from politicians, and don't know how to fight the threats, before the exist or after. That is the case with the SAFE Act.

That's why they don't want to see any posts that may be of importance to them. They prefer to believe nothing is happening and everything is a conspiracy theory.

All I can say is, enjoy your political oppression. It's going to be vast and long lived.

That's what you don't get, most of us care very much. But if you read the "why do you hunt" threads you'll most of us do it to escape. So it's annoying having it constantly shoved in your face. Especially when it's the same thing over and over.

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What you don't seem to accept is, there is no escape.  No matter how hard you try, the other side is working twice as hard to achieve their goals.


They are counting on your fatigue to win.  Caring, and really resisting, are too different things.


I find it quite simple to enjoy hunting, to the point I live it, breath it and eat it, but that doesn't mean I ever forget, or ignore, the wolf at the door.  I guess I'm good at multi-tasking.


I'm glad I don't have to worry about people complaining about the posts anymore.  Fewer useless people will be looking at them here now.  That's good.  I never felt they were ever going to wake up and help defend their liberties anyway.

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So besides copying and pasting what are you really doing? What does the constant posting accomplish?

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My entire professional life now revolves around educating people about the threats they want to ignore, or believe are just conspiracy theories.  I belong to many organizations that fight unconstitutional government mandates and oppression.  I'm on the board of a few of them.


The time I spend on here is when I'm in transit and the trip will be more than 1/2 hour.  I'm constantly engaged.  I'm very concerned about the future of this country, as well as the future my offspring will have to live in.


Hunters are a favorite target of those who want to stop hunting and firearms ownership.  That's why the SAFE Act affects hunters more than it affects criminals.  It has nothing to do with lowering crime.  It's not just a NY issue either.  Unfortunately I find the level of apathy in NY to be much higher than in many other states.  My posts are sometimes designed to gauge the level of interest NY hunters have in the threats that are effecting them.  I gain a lot of insight into the mindset of NY hunters by posting what I do and challenging the replies.


It's too bad most on here have decided not to be engaged in the never ending battle, preferring to ignore it.  Most say they are engaged and get involved in other places, they just don't want to see it here.  I don't believe it.  I believe they ignore all of it, until it bites them in the rear.  Many are not even NRA members.  In fact many are quite hostile towards the NRA.  There is no hope for folks with that attitude.  They don't get it, and probably won't, until they see how far the government wants to go with regard to eliminating their rights.  Tragically, at that point it will be too late to escape from the trap.


I've decided you just can't help those who refuse to be helped.  The hunters in NY have proven to me they are beyond saving.  Their leftist indoctrination began in their youth and is so ingrained, it cannot be reasoned with.  NY will forever be a blue state with no logic or reason regarding liberty and rights.  Look at California and you will see the future NY is headed for.


It's sad.  Just unbelievably sad.

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You seem to like to post on the Political Topics . Why aren't you posting something about hunting ?


lets compare




Papist and VJP


My entire professional life now revolves around educating people about the threats they want to ignore, or believe are just conspiracy theories.  I belong to many organizations that fight unconstitutional government mandates and oppression.  I'm on the board of a few of them.


who do you work for?

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