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Well Crap On A Cracker!


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So I am sitting here browsing ladder stands on the web and grumbling that I need to buy and get my stand up in the three weeks at minimum to start hunting 10/1. I was that 'this needs to get done that needs to get done, running out of time' mode. When my g/f chimes in from the living room, "You don't have a bow this year.". I sat here for a few seconds, then I started laughing at myself out loud. I don't get to start deer hunting until 10/24. I have almost three months to wait! The good thing is now I don't feel so rushed. More time to scout some public land. Decided to apply for a DMP after all.


Guess I will be doing some small game hunting and will even hunt turkey this fall. Maybe even some duck hunting.


Next season I will have a bow again!


Edited by ....rob
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No bow this year. The more I mull it over I am OK with that. I still get to hunt. That's the big thing.

I am trying to look at it like I will just do some fall hunting I never really did in the past. I never actually hunted turkey in the fall, so I will use this year to gain a perspective on why so many are upset with the changes. I always liked squirrel hunting. Duck or goose might me a challenge, no boat and no dog to retrieve, so I would have to hunt fields for them if I decide to hunt them. I will also hunt some coyotes.

The big thing on my mind is hunting public land for small game when there might be bow hunters deer hunting. As someone who really enjoys bow hunting, I know how this could tick me off. Some guy walking through the woods hunting small game and shooting squirrels or a turkey with a shotgun. But I also have to try and keep in mind, I have as much right to hunt public land for small game as they have a right to be hunting deer. 

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Hunting all those things will cost more than a bow


Not to be rude, but um, aside from the ladder stand, what calculator did you do the math for this on?

Hunting big game/small game $22, turkey permit $10, DMP $10, and if I decide FDS $15. That's $57. Ammo another maybe $75. Thats totals $132. The ladder stand is an option, a want, not a 100% necessity. I still have a tree stand I can use. I tried to sell it last season, and the guy that came said he would be back in the next evening with the money so I asked for a sold label here and took it down from Craigslist. He never showed back up. I just don't like trying to get into my hanger from the side with a fear of heights these days.


Where can I get a good bow for $137? Graigs list? Been there done that, never again. The bows I shot this year started at base for a good use bow at $200. That was looking in shops and AT, and a few other sites. New was $300 bare.


Like I said, I am fine with it for this season. I enjoy spring turkey hunting so giving it a go in the fall as a goal will be interesting and fun. Nothing wrong with a few squirrels in the freezer either. I am looking forward to the regular seasons. No tears in my eyes.

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No argument from here. All good. 

I added the cost for ammo ( steel shot and grabbing some 3" turkey loads ). Already have turkey calls. I haven't decided on waterfowl yet though. Will be over fields though. Coyotes? I could use the diaphragm calls. The big thing with that is getting my buddy out there to help hold the dang light. LOL


The crap on a cracker comes in because once people start posting pics of the deer they killed in the early seasons, the fever will get harder to control. 

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