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This guy is so right on about the lion killing


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Nets Covered Cecil the Lion More in 1 Day Than Abortion Videos in 2 Weeks 





America’s anchors have spoken: the shooting of one lion vastly outweighs the trafficking of baby parts by a taxpayer-funded abortion giant. In other words, the broadcast news shows spent more time in one day on Cecil the Lion than they did on the Planned Parenthood videos in two weeks. The three broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS censored the third video released Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting aborted baby parts -- censored it at Planned Parenthood’s urging. But the news shows did find more than 14 minutes for a more important story: the “outrage” over the shooting of Cecil, a famed African lion, by an American dentist. Tuesday, the networks spent 5 minutes, 44 seconds during their evening news shows on Cecil -- and that’s not even counting the teasers. Wednesday morning, ABC, NBC and CBS lamented over the lion for 8 minutes, 17 seconds. But they couldn’t do the same for a story of babies “picked” apart by tweezers. - 



See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/katie-yoder/2015/07/29/nets-covered-cecil-lion-more-1-day-abortion-vids-2-weeks#.cfac0l:S7I1



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I think the is being blown way out of proportion. The same people calling for his head are the same people that stand by quietly when innocent people are killed here every day. They have more compassion for an animal that 4000 miles away than they do for their neighbor that's 4 feet away.

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