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Banning Handguns

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Im doing some research on buying a handgun in may because i will be turning 21 and was researching ammo prices when i saw a notice on the cabelas web sight.  Saying that after February 1st you will not be able to purchase handgun ammo over the internet or through mail order stores. 

I am will to bet that this will make it 100 times harder for the average joe to get ammo in california there for virtually banning the use of these persons handguns. I know its California and the government is a bunch of nut jobs but this is just one more step in the wrong direction for our rights as a nation. We have to be careful of these types of laws being passed anywhere because it makes it that much easier for the next one. We may argue on these forums but we still all have to stick together for the big picture. 

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These types of laws are being forced upon gun owners all over the country.  Since it would be unconstitutional to ban handguns, the anti's are using a strategy of legal bombardment.  They are passing so many laws about guns and ammo that most people and dealers don't even know if they are breaking any laws anymore. 

There are already thousands of useless ineffective laws on the books that can be applied to almost any firearm or ammo transaction.  These laws also cost dealers too much money to bother with, so they are throwing up their hands and saying, "To heck with it.  It's no longer worth the risk!"

Our rights are being nickeled and dimed to death!  The object is too make it so cumbersome and risky to buy ammo, you won't want to bother with it either.

I can imagine the day the cops come to your home and demand a complete inventory and accounting for every cartridge you have in your home.  The anti's have already proposed limits on how much ammo you can have at any one time.  The scary thing is, a lot of legislatures think that would be a good law.  Already you are seeing attempts to ban any ammo with lead in it.  This is designed to force gun owners to dump all of the ammo you currently have stockpiled, not protect the environment.

Keep yourselves informed at all times.  These things happen fast.  And with Cuomo in the top seat in NY now, you need to be extra vigilant, as he is no friend of ours.

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