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Wasserman Schultz orders Democrats to embrace gun control

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Mr VJP I was once a member of the NRA, as soon as they began resisting background checks I saw just how idoitic and fanatical they are and I happily let my membership lapse. The NRA in no way represents my views. As every static clearly shows," more guns" do not equal "less crime". America, with its millions of guns, a large number in the hands of those who shouldn't have them, has by far the highest number of gun crimes then any other country in the world, a fact not even the luntics in the NRA can dispute. Clearly the numbers prove that just the opposite is true, more guns in fact equal more crime. Yet the fanatics of the NRA refuse to even admit that America has a gun problem. So until the NRA can see that the country does indeed have a problem with guns and until they offer a rational solution, and there whole "good guy with a gun" spiel is not a solution, then the NRA is nothing more then a enabler of gun violence. And for these reasons this is why I am firmly against the NRA.


All I can say to this post is, everything you "know" is wrong.  You are truly convinced the propaganda you read is true and obviously never look into statistics to find the truth.


Read John Lott's book, "More guns, Less Crime".  All the stats anyone could ever want are there and they are indisputable.  I have no desire to go point by point with you on all the things you're wrong about.  You have to be an agent of the gun control progressives with that kind of mindset, so there is no point to it.


I shun gun owners who think like you do, because you are helping the anti's take our 2nd Amendment rights and are happy about it.  I cannot abide such ignorance.  Have a nice life, but you probably will regret your past mistakes.


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Any compromise during negotiation requires a mutually agreed upon basis from which the two negotiating parties can then concede certain aspects.


The NRA understands this.


There can be no compromise with those who would argue that guns should be removed from the hands of law-abiding citizens in the US, and unfortunately many of the lawmakers currently pushing for further restrictions would also like to see a complete removal of the second amendment from the Constitution. There can be no compromise with people holding this view because there is no basis for negotiation.


The NRA clearly understands this.


Mentally ill and criminally insane people live among us. The laws which should prevent them from having access to guns are already in place, and have proved ineffectual. Further legislation regarding gun ownership won't change these facts, and it won't make any of us any safer.


The NRA understands this.


Rewriting or removing the second amendment will be the precursor to rewriting or removing the entire Constitution of the United States, and will pave the way for any sort of global dictatorship that has the US in it's sights.


The NRA understands this.


Many consider the NRA to be radical in their views, and obstructionist in their actions: Gun owners and gun haters alike.

Take a very close look at what they're actually supporting, and what they're actually obstructing.


I support the NRA.

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( Uptown Redneck) What further gun laws are you in favor of ? 

Background checks for ALL gun purchases, including at gun shows (we can expand upon what disqualifies one from getting a gun if you wish)

Magazines limited to 10 rounds (you don't need more then 10 rounds either for hunting or recreational shooting)

See I'm not out to take anyone's guns, just for sensible laws

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The man has no clue what 2nd Amendment rights are about.  His idea of sensible is very much like what all oppressive regimes thought were sensible.


When you have no idea how those restrictions are unconstitutional and bad for freedom, you are easily manipulated into thinking your ideas are better than everyone else's.  The worst part is, you actually think implementing them will make us safer and life in this land will be better.


Since I've already pointed out how it's obviously not the case, with no credible reply to the points made, I see no reason to continue.



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The man has no clue what 2nd Amendment rights are about.  His idea of sensible is very much like what all oppressive regimes thought were sensible.


When you have no idea how those restrictions are unconstitutional and bad for freedom, you are easily manipulated into thinking your ideas are better than everyone else's.  The worst part is, you actually think implementing them will make us safer and life in this land will be better.


Since I've already pointed out how it's obviously not the case, with no credible reply to the points made, I see no reason to continue.

I was asked a question by another poster and I answered his question. If you do not like my answer that really doesn't concern me . And as far as I can recall I have never seen you offer up any sort of solution to what is being discussed. All you do is defend the indefensible position of an extreme, out of touch with reality, fanatical organization that not only me, but as you yourself has said, other gun owners equally find disturbing.

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There are a lot of legally ignorant, and constitutionally ignorant gun owners.  I would never deny that.  For solutions I have posted, search through my past posts.  There have been many solutions posted.  I'm not inclined to repeat myself every time another ignorant gun owner thinks i should do so.


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Background checks for ALL gun purchases, including at gun shows (we can expand upon what disqualifies one from getting a gun if you wish)

Magazines limited to 10 rounds (you don't need more then 10 rounds either for hunting or recreational shooting)

See I'm not out to take anyone's guns, just for sensible laws

Background checks on all gun purchases is a law right now. Background checks at gun shows is a law right now. Do you think that a criminal(s), with an unregistered untraceable firearm ( of which there are 10's of thousands or more) will load the mag of his illegally possessed firearm with only 10 rounds?? And by the way in NY you can only load 7…….You really believe that?? You are living in a fantasy world where criminals obey laws.

See Im not some Pro NRA robot…I just live in the real world, and you need to stop pretending.

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Background checks for ALL gun purchases, including at gun shows (we can expand upon what disqualifies one from getting a gun if you wish)

Magazines limited to 10 rounds (you don't need more then 10 rounds either for hunting or recreational shooting)

See I'm not out to take anyone's guns, just for sensible laws


A gun dealer in the US is required to have a Federal Firearms License (FFL). They are also required to perform background checks prior to transfer of a firearm. There is NO "gun show loophole" with respect to FFL holders.

The vast majority of private sales happen between friends and/or family. A background check in this case is nothing more than a prohibitive tax.


Magazine limits? Who are you to decide what I might "need"?

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A gun dealer in the US is required to have a Federal Firearms License (FFL). They are also required to perform background checks prior to transfer of a firearm. There is NO "gun show loophole" with respect to FFL holders.

The vast majority of private sales happen between friends and/or family. A background check in this case is nothing more than a prohibitive tax.


Magazine limits? Who are you to decide what I might "need"?

"NO ONE NEEDS TEN  ROUNDS"   The elite have spoken and the criminals will obey…….LOL!!!


Two criminal thug scumbags decide to use their illegal, untraceable fire arms to do a home invasion at Uptown Redneck's home. They MUST load their mags with only 7 rounds , because thats the law!!!, and Uptown must do the same. 



Liberal Utopia fantasy

Edited by ants
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Four armed thugs kick in your front door and start shooting.  Better not miss with too many of your 10 bullets.


Who needs 30 rounds in a magazine?  People who miss a lot.  LOL!


Apparently, the military also needs 30 round mags, as they all use them.  So that's another answer to nobody needs them.


However, it's not the point.  It's a Bill of Rights, not a Bill of Needs.


Like fast cars?  Better hope they remain legal.

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