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What to buy and plant

The Engineer

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OK I can across a little extra money my wife doesn't know about but she will find out sooner or later. I have 2 spots that will be ready for food plots so that covered ad wife approved.

I went to Moorse nursery and thinking about a few food trees. I just picked up about 50 4' evergreen trees from all of the Christmas tree sellers that didn't sell. Next is the food trees. What should I get? A few apples,oak what?? the ground is pH neutral and amend the area cut trees where needed etc. I have 25 acres at 2100' facing south by southeast.

Let me know your thoughts. I want plan now and be ready for spring


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Mast trees.......  resistant chestnut trees and Apples, semi dwarf, to get fruit faster...if you have room go with reds and yellows that drop from August through Oct... This will draw them in over a long period...Turkey hunt too? mulberries,Kousa dog wood, fruiting bushes, Aronias,blue berries(protect while young) Hazel nuts in bush form bush cherries...many others go check what wild turkey eat for more ideas... Space the trees round the food plot giving more than enough room to drive equipment and anything you have behind it(turning purpose)...Short trees toward south ...taller toward north

Edited by growalot
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If you are talking about the Grand Gorge area, right now is not the ideal weather and temp. for planting. I would wait until March at least. Oak trees are going to take quite a number of years to produce acorns, Apple , pear would be good. Pine and hemlock for shelter. Berrie plants the more the better.

You might want to talk to the people at the Catskill Forest Assoc. they could tell you what to cut and what to save and what to plant, they are hunters also.

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Grow a lot I was hoping you would respond.thanks for the ideas.

thphtm thanks for the info. I won't be planting until spring. I am a planing type person. I know my wife will find my extra cash. I think she can smell it. But telling her about my plan of bigger and better feeding areas is an easier sell. If I come home with another gun she'll come home with more shoes and a pocketbook.

Like we need more of that

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Thanks any time you have questions and I can help, I will,,,Now just remind her of all that great tasting fruit she can enjoy, as well as keeping you happy...I'm sure that saying "If Mama ain't happy ,no ones happy" can apply to Papa as well...Lord it does in our house... ;):cheese:

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