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NY Deer Hunter Survey Results


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With regard to home range- that is a thread or book itself. Yes there are generalities on sex or age but the rut phase, food, pressure, cover, snow depth, water all move them around - I feel we all were in the same area though with if they have everything they aren't as likely to travel as much. I'd rather have the right 50 than the wrong 500 but that poses no guarantees. I simply don't know of any thousand acre deer properties like that in NY but that's not to say they don't exist

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posted this in the other thread too.


Participate Online or In-Person for an Update on New York's Deer Program and to Provide Input Meetings Scheduled for May 10 and May 12

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will host a webinar "New York Deer Management Update" the evenings of May 10 and May 12. Both nights will have the same content. Any member of the public can participate on either night by connecting online from the comfort of their own home or by joining DEC staff at locations throughout the state.

The webinar is designed to inform New York deer hunters and the general public about current issues in deer management and to set the stage for updating DEC's Management Plan for White-tailed Deer in New York State. DEC will provide an overview of the state's deer management program, outline progress on current deer program activities including a brief explanation of DEC's recent decision to encourage hunters to voluntarily pass up young bucks, and discuss current management priorities including urban-suburban deer over abundance, reducing deer impacts on forests, and other issues.

The presentation will be simulcast online and to a number of meeting venues where participants will have opportunity to meet their regional DEC deer biologist. After the presentation, DEC staff will be available online and in-person to answer questions and discuss public concerns about deer management.

For instructions about how to connect online, for the list of locations where the meetings will be hosted by DEC staff, and for updates on this process, see the 2016 Public Meetings on Deer Management webpage on DEC's website.


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